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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 189

Chapter 189

Chapter 189

When Leonard and Flora returned to Oscar’s house, Willie was also back.

Oscar wanted to prepare a meal himself to entertain Leonard and others.

Willie proposed to go to a restaurant downtown for dinner.

After all, Oscar spent his whole life in the village and had never had a meal downtown.

Leonard agreed with Willie.

So they drove directly downtown with Oscar.

When they passed by the village entrance, the Mercedes-Benz was no longer there, which meant that Alyssa and Isaac had probably left.

Oasis Hotel was the most upscale hotel in the entire town.

It looked magnificent from the outside. It was located in the easternmost part of the town and occupied a vast area.

Today, the large box on the third floor of the Oasis Hotel was reserved. The people who came to the banquet were all

classmates from the same village. It was a small gathering.

After Alyssa returned from the village, she came to the box with Isaac.

In the box, a large table could seat more than a dozen people. Since the food had not been served yet, they were chatting in low voices.

When Alyssa walked in, everyone stood up one after another.

As one of the famous school belles at the time, Alyssa naturally attracted everyone’s attention.

Isaac was now the manager of the hotel. He was the most successful one compared to others, so he was quite prominent.

“Isaac is young and promising. We are pale in comparison with Isaac. Alyssa still has better vision.”

“Alyssa has been with Isaac since she was still in school. They are a perfect match…

In the innermost seat, a fashionably dressed woman looked curiously at her boyfriend next to her.

Her boyfriend said softly, “Isaac is Alyssa’s husband, the general manager of the Oasis Hotel. Isaac used to be quite popular in

school. Now he is the general manager with

a monthly salary of more than 20 thousand dollars. We can only look up to him.”

The woman exclaimed, “He is impressive!”

Isaac and Alyssa sat down, and there were compliments in the box.

Alyssa suddenly spoke, “By the way, I just returned to the village. Guess who I saw?”

Everyone else looked curious.

“It’s Leonard. He’s back, too. I forgot to invite him. Today is a small gathering of friends in our village.”


“Leonard used to be the best student in our village. I heard he was sent to prison two years ago.”

There were sighs in the box.

After Leonard and Willie parked the car, they went to a box and sat down.

Oscar, who had never even been to a large hotel in his life, looked at the splendid hotel and found it eye-opening.

Oscar called his son, Ryan Santos, who was running a transportation service, and asked him over.


After lunch, it was already two o’clock in the afternoon. Unfortunately, it started drizzling outside, giving a slight chill in the air.

Ryan said that he happened to be going back to the village, so he could send Oscar back and didn’t need Leonard and the others to drive Oscar back.

Ryan was also emotional when he learned that Leonard was now the boss of a


Leonard handed Ryan a business card and told him to call if necessary.

Leonard reached the gate of the hotel. Because it was drizzling, Rex went to drive the car over, and Leonard was waiting at the gate.

Willie didn’t have a driver, so he had to ask Kenia to drive the car.

After drinking a lot of wine, Willie put his arm around Oscar’s shoulders and talked about the unfinished topic during the dinner.

“Hey, isn’t this Leonard?”

A loud sound came from behind. novelbin

Alyssa, Isaac, and a group of young people, who had drunk a lot, walked over


After seeing Leonard, they all showed surprised expressions.

After all, it cost a lot for a meal at the Oasis Hotel. In their opinion, Leonard, a young man who had just been released from prison, shouldn’t have been here.


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