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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 190

Chapter 190

Chapter 190

In the entire Thunderpeak Village, Leonard was a different presence when he was a child. Other children were always bullied by the older children. However, Leonard, despite his tears and the significant size difference between him and the older kids, would still charge at them again and again, even though he was knocked down every time.

Afterward, no one dared to provoke him among the children.

When Leonard was in elementary school, he showed a stronger learning talent than his peers and became a favorite among teachers.

Then he continued to junior high school and high school. At that time, Leonard was not tall or handsome, but in terms of academic performance, he was definitely outstanding.

In the entire high school, Isaac, who looked handsome and personable and played basketball very well, became the Prince Charming of many girls.

Later, Leonard was admitted to a

prestigious university and became the most

dazzling person in the village.

Alyssa, who chose Isaac, sometimes wondered whether it would have been better if she had been with Leonard.

It wasn’t until news of Leonard’s imprisonment came that Alyssa completely gave up on Leonard.

Leonard, inferior and low-key, felt ashamed in front of her, which was Alyssa’s first impression of Leonard when she met him. today.

She had thought the imprisonment had completely ruined Leonard’s life. Unexpectedly, the sudden turn of events was like a slap in her face.

Isaac’s Mercedes-Benz, worth 100 thousand dollars, was already a well-deserved luxury car for these young people from a small mountain village.

But when the Rolls-Royce, equal in value to a dozen Mercedes-Benz, appeared in front of everyone, and especially when the black umbrella in Rex’s hand hovered over Leonard’s head respectfully on the head, it was an extremely shocking sight,

This was definitely a story that made everyone feel absurd.

They wondered how Leonard, who had just been released from prison, achieved his

current success and status.

But those who had mocked him felt like being slapped in the face. Their faces were burning with shame, and they just wished for a hole to crawl into.

Leonard smiled and waved to them.

“I’m going back to Newden first. Let’s have a gathering later.”

With that, as if enveloped in a layer of brilliance, Leonard got into the back seat of the Rolls-Royce under everyone’s gaze.

“Willie, Flora, let’s go.”

Leonard greeted Willie and Flora, who were still standing there.


When Flora passed by Alyssa, she couldn’t help but say, “Leonard is now promising. Santos Group in Newden is his company and is worth tens of billions of dollars.”

At this moment, a flash of lightning shone on Alyssa’s face, making her look particularly pale.

The Rolls-Royce and the five-series BMW disappeared into the rain at the same time.

The group of young people from Thunderpeak Village standing at the gate of

the hotel still seemed to be in a dream.

The fashionably dressed woman took out her mobile phone and searched it, and her mouth suddenly opened wide.

She handed her phone to her boyfriend. There was soon another crazy discussion.

“It’s Leonard, the boss of the Santos Group, the richest man in Newden, worth more than 40 billion dollars…”

“My goodness, how did he do it?”

“I have thought that Isaac is already very powerful, but he seems to be in different leagues from Leonard,” a drunken man blurted out without restraint.

But his words embarrassed Isaac and Alyssa at the same time.

On the way back to Newden, Leonard suddenly felt uneasy.

Not long after, Rex’s cell phone rang.

The car temporarily stopped at a

temporary parking strip on the side of the road.

After Rex answered the phone, his face darkened.


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