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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 103

Chapter 103

John put Olivia down on the bed in the room upstairs and said coldly, “I’ll stay here tonight.”

She opened her eyes to look at John. Suddenly, she felt amused and turned her back

toward him.

‘Stay here with me?’

sounded like he was doing charity for her. She had not begged him to stay, either. He could go to Dorothy if he wished.

“What kind of attitude is this? I know you can’t bear to be by yourself and you want someone with you all the time, so I promised to stay here. What else do you want?”

After Olivia heard that, she bit her lip and grabbed a pillow to throw at John.

“Johnny, what are you saying? I can’t bear to be by myself? Who’s the one that can’t bear to be by themself?

“I was hospitalized because of my miscarriage. When I was discharged, I saw you and Dorothy together. Who’s the one that can’t bear to be by themselves?”

Olivia screamed that last sentence.

Ever since birth, she had been poised and dignified. When had she ever been so hysterical before?

This man was the reason she was barely human now!

Olivia grabbed John’s hand. “Johnny, what do you take me for? Am I a pet bird? Why do you have such high double standards?

“You let your mistress into the house, and you even want me to give up my spot for her and become her servant. You think that it’s what I should do, and you forbid me from feeling jealous. So what’s going on now?”

John’s heart started to ache when he saw how hopeless she was.

Was he going overboard?

However, she was the one who cheated first two years ago, so how could he be at fault?

Despite that, John did not want to argue with her anymore for some reason. He managed to control his temper and said, “Olivia, I don’t want to argue with you anymore.”

After he said that, he asked Olivia to lie down. Then, he also lay down and held her against him.

Olivia did not want to see his face, so she turned around. However, John refused to let her do that. He held her and turned her back around.


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