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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 104

Chapter 104

John wanted to lose his temper. However, when he saw the soup on the floor and Dorothy’s injury on her hand, he swallowed what he wanted to say.

“Get up. I’ll get someone to clean this up.”

“But the soup…”

“Leave it. I’ll ask the caretaker to dress your wound. Go rest. You don’t have to worry

about it.’

Jonnny, what about Liv? Are you going to stay with her?”

John was a little annoyed. This woman was so demanding.

“Dolly, just go back to your room.”

John sounded sterner than usual. Dorothy knew he was mad, so she did not dare to say anything more before walking away aggrievedly.

“Ouch, my foot…”

When John saw Dorothy twist her ankle, he frowned in disgust. “Where is the


At that moment, the caretaker came out of their room and helped Dorothy up. Then, they apologized to John, “I’m sorry, Mr. Freeman. I was cleaning the room. Miss Ellis

asked me to…”

“Johnny, you should go back to what you were doing. I’m fine. You don’t have to worry about me.”

After that, she glared at the caretaker to signal for them to shut up.

John then called the part-time cleaner over to clean the room. After that, he went to the kitchen to get more soup for Olivia.

However, when he opened the lid, he smelled something sour.

John frowned and lowered his head to take a sniff. It did not smell right to him, so he figured that the chicken must be spoiled. He planned to throw it away to make a new pot.

Coincidentally, he spotted a small packet in the trash can. It seemed to have some powder on it.

He bent down to pick up the trash can. However, after examining it, he still could not

figure out what the powder was. Then, he heard Wes’ voice.

“Sir, I got the car and bag. When I arrived, the car was there, but the woman was gone.”


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