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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 210

Chapter 210

After Olivia said that, she and John stared at each other, frozen in place.

Upon sensing his cold gaze, her was taken aback and quickly let go.

What was she doing?

Was she worried about a man who had hurt her because of a small injury he had?

How could she be so cheap and so humble?

Before John could speak, Olivia took the lead in saying coldly, “Forget it. I said too much.”

His gaze changed slightly. What did this woman mean?

She was scolding him just now, but now she was concerned again. Did she not think that she was being hypocritical?

However, Olivia did not look at him again. Instead, she went into the bathroom and rubbed her hands with hand sanitizer vigorously.

Seeing his unwillingness to tell her, she guessed that the injury had happened when he was with Dorothy.

Otherwise, why couldn’t he tell her?

As she thought of this, Olivia felt even more disgusted. Her fair hands turned red from the rubbing, but she still continued to wash them roughly.

John could not stand it anymore. He stepped forward and grabbed her hand. “Olivia, what do you mean by this?”

However, as soon as he touched Olivia’s hand, she jumped away and shook off his hand in disgust.

“Get your dirty hands off me!”

“What did you say?” John was annoyed, and he stared at her gravely.

Olivia looked up, bit her lip, and looked at him in disgust. “John, I think you’re dirty! You’re filthy. Do you know that?”


He was dirty?

John’s hostility sharply increased. His black eyes exuded a murderous aura, and he

walked toward Olivia step by step. When he had forced her into a corner, he asked through gritted teeth, “Who are you calling dirty?”

What right did she have to call him dirty?

She was the one who cheated!

She was the one who had so many men!

Who did she think she was?


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