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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 211

Chapter 211

A car accident?

Olivia immediately thought of the wound on John’s forehead. Could that be from the car accident?

However, why was the car accident being kept a secret?

Right after that, Olivia heard a sigh from Wes. “Madam, Sir actually cares for you. It’s just that he doesn’t know how to express it.

“When you mentioned that the car accident was a little fishy, he personally went to Willow City to look for clues.

“He had to run the company during the day and investigate Uncle Wallace’s death at night, so that was why he was in an accident: he was exhausted. However, he didn’t want you to worry, so he didn’t breathe a word about it.”

After listening to all of this, Olivia was stunned. Her lips trembled as she asked, “He went to investigate Uncle Wallace?”

“Yes. Sir did not believe that you killed Uncle Wallace, so he has been looking for evidence. He knew that Cole Zachary was a witness, so he sent people to look for him all across the city. I believe Zach will be found soon.”

Wes frowned and added, “At first, I didn’t want to be a blabbermouth, Madam, but if you continue to misunderstand each other like this, it’ll only strain your relationship further.”

Then, Wes took John’s clothes and left.

Olivia was left in the room alone. She stared blankly in the direction of the door with

the memories of her life with John playing in her head.

Tears could not help but flow down her cheeks as her heart was overwhelmed with

mixed feelings.

Had she really misunderstood him?

No. How could that be a misunderstanding?

He was involved in making the Larsons go bankrupt. He was the one that personally locked her up… He was the one who had personally locked her in that wretched black room. He was the one that called their child a b*stard child and tried to force her to undergo an abortion…

Could all these things be considered a misunderstanding?

Olivia had seen for herself how lovey-dovey John was with Dorothy. She saw how intimate they were. How could all this be a misunderstanding?

John never believed in her. He did not even consider that she had loved him for

seventeen years!

H-how could all these be labeled as ‘just a misunderstanding’?

Olivia plopped onto her blanket and wailed.



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