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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 28

Chapter 28

John stopped in his tracks, glanced at Olivia, and said, ” Stop pretending, Olivia, you would never die.”

She would never die…

Did he not remember that she just came out of the operating theater less than 24 hours ago?

How dare he still declare that she would never die?

Olivia scoffed. “Wanna bet, Johnny? Wanna bet if I’d die or not?”

John’s heart shook. It hurt a little.

He frowned and said, “Okay, I’ll bet with you.”

Olivia smiled.

‘Johnny, you’ve lost your bet,’ she thought.

John pushed the door open and Dorothy Ellis was lying on a bed inside.

The nurse was preparing the tools needed for blood transfusion, and when she lifted up her head, she saw John entering with Olivia in his arms.

The nurse remembered Olivia. She had also participated in the surgery to save Olivia’s life last night.

“Take her blood.”

“Are you sure, sir? This lady had just survived an

emergency operation, and it’s only natural for blood loss


Before the nurse could finish, John glared at her coldly. ” You talk too much.”

People who had been in high places of authority for a long time usually had a fierce aura, and with just one look from John, the nurse was terrified. She had no choice but to nod her head and say, “Please put Ms. Larson here.’

She saw Olivia and her heart trembled as she noticed that Olivia was pale, her lips were turning purple, the dressing on her arms was bleeding and her hands were cold.

What kind of hate it must have been for someone to torture a severely weak woman like that?

She did not dare to ask. She could only lower her head as she punctured Olivia’s remaining good arm, with a needle and said softly, “Please bear with me, Ms. Larson.”

Olivia had no expression on her face when she nodded. ” It’s fine, just take whatever amount that’s needed.”


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