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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 29

Chapter 29

John sat by the bed and assured Dorothy gently. “It’s all good now, don’t be afraid.”

Dorothy batted her tear-soaked eyelashes, bit her lips, and looked at John. “Hug me, please?”

John paused for a while before embracing her in his arms.

Immediately, he heard the woes of the woman in his arms. “You left for so long, and Liv was also gone. My heart started to panic because I was so worried that something would happen to you two, so I went to the balcony to take a look.

“I didn’t expect a bat to come flying towards me, and it terrified me so much! I wanted to take something to shoo it away, but it aggravated my wounds, and after that… I don’t even know how I fainted.

“Johnny, why is it that when I called you, you didn’t answer? I was really worried that something might happen to you.”

John signed. He overthought just now. How could he have suspicion for kind, frail Dorothy?

“Sorry, I didn’t hear my phone ring. It won’t happen again.”

Dorothy nodded and responded with a soft “okay.”

Actually, she knew.

She knew about everything.

She did not faint, so there was no actual severe blood loss.

All she wanted was for John to notice her, so she could come to the hospital to get to know the situation.

When she saw John forcing the barely-alive Olivia to do a blood transfusion for her, she was ecstatic! If she was not pinching her thighs all this while, she might have just started laughing.

“Johnny, hurry, go back and rest now, I’ll return home once my drips are done.”

John felt sorry for her. Dorothy was already weak, what if her wounds reopened once more?

“I’m fine.”

“How are you fine? It’s clear that you haven’t slept the entire night. Hurry, go rest, what would I do if you fell


“Don’t worry about Liv, I’ll visit her before I leave and I’ll contact you if anything happens.”

John saw how obedient and understanding Dorothy was, ‘and his heart ached for her even more. He said to her gently, “Okay, I’ll make a move. Call me if anything happens.”



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