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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Zac saw Olivia crawling towards the door as he walked in.

She left a trail of blood behind her, and her face was pale. Zac was shocked to see her like this.

His first thought was that John had been here.

Zac quickly picked her up off the ground and put her on the bed. He turned around to go look for the doctor, but Olivia caught him by the wrist.

“Mr. Quinton, do me a favor, will you?”

“Whatever it is, let the doctor look at you first. Your wounds have torn open and need to be rebandaged…”

Before Zac could finish his sentence, Olivia wailed, There’s no time left! Mr. Quinton, I have no time left.”

Zac was shocked. “What happened? Is John bullying you again?”

Olivia shook her head and struggled to get herself off the bed. “Someone is dying.”


Zac was immediately put on high alert. Olivia was not the type of person to cause unnecessary trouble. She had to be telling the truth.

He leaned down again, picked her up, and headed out.

Although Zac had only gotten close to Olivia in the last few days, he knew that this woman was stubborn, and no one could stop her from doing what she wanted.

He knew she would not leave it even if he asked her to

leave the matter to him.

“I’ll make an exception for you this time. The next time, you’ll go to the doctor and let me handle this dying person.”

Olivia was startled. She only realized in the lift that Zac was planning to carry her to save this person from death.

“T-the peninsula.”

The peninsula?

Zac frowned. “Isn’t that where you and John live? Who’s trying to kill someone? John?”

In his opinion, no one else except John would do such a thing.

Olivia bit her lips. “No, it’s not John. It’s Dorothy.”

Her heart hammered in her chest as soon as she said those words.


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