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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Olivia was stunned. Dorothy knew.

If Olivia was asked about the thing that she regretted the most, it would certainly be picking Dorothy the snake up from the roadside and bringing her home!

“You’re diabolical!”

Dorothy loosened her hands and laughed. “Yes, I’m diabolical, but Johnny doesn’t think so. He thinks I’m the kindest person in the world.”

Then, she went nearer to Olivia and jeered, “In his heart, you’re the diabolical one.”

Dorothy’s words cut Olivia’s heart deeply.

She did not want to admit it, but what Dorothy said was

not wrong.

John Freeman did think of her like that.

What a joke.

“Dorothy, why don’t you force John to get a divorce, then? I’ve been Mrs. Freeman for three years now, and I’m getting a little tired. I’ll pass this position to you, then?”

Dorothy was the most annoyed at this precise fact.

She was able to get her hands on everything other than the position of Mrs. Freeman.

She bared her teeth, slapped Olivia across her face, and smiled as her face contorted. “Olivia, let me tell you a


“Uncle Wallace is here, and I was the one that greeted him.”

Olivia was so stunned when she heard the news that her face did not hurt anymore.

Uncle Wallace. She had forgotten about Uncle Wallace.

Ever since Dorothy moved in, she caused havoc in everything. Olivia did not even know how long she had been in the hospital since she was barely conscious most of the time.

“What have you done to Uncle Wallace?”

When Dorothy saw how frantic Olivia was, she was exhilarated.

“Don’t you get your knickers in a twist, he’s not dead yet.”

Dorothy seemed to be reminded of something right after she said this. “However, I think he’s gonna die soon. He’ll be just like your mother, lying there in agony as he dies slowly.”


Olivia’s eyes were wide and bulging as she sat up from the bed. “What are you saying? My mother died of childbirth!”


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