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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 310

Chapter 310

Perhaps Olivia was being too emotional. Her lungs convulsed, and a metallic taste rose from her throat.

She was so frightened that she quickly covered her mouth with her hands. She turned around and suppressed her cough painfully. Then, she swallowed the blood back down.

Upon seeing this, lan’s pupils contracted slightly. “What’s wrong with you?”

He remembered that she coughed up blood in the cemetery yesterday as well. Was she sick?

Olivia wiped away her tears with the back of her hand. She pursed her lips and answered, “It’s okay. Just a little cough.”

“You coughed up blood yesterday. I saw it.”

When she heard that, Olivia trembled slightly. She felt a lump in her throat, and she could not help but shed tears again.

It turned out that her younger brother was still worried about her.

“Maybe there’s something wrong with my lungs, but it’s nothing serious.”

Seeing that she was refusing to speak, lan did not ask any more questions. After that, he turned and went upstairs to go to his room.

Olivia stood on the stairs for a long time. Finally, she went downstairs with a sigh.

She did not know how much her brother believed what she said just now, but she believed that with his intelligence, he would definitely figure it out eventually.

Over the past two years, Dorothy must have said a lot of bad things about her to mislead him.

Although he was smart, he was still a child, after all. He would naturally believe things after hearing them constantly

In fact, Olivia did not blame him for trusting the wrong person.

However, she was annoyed. She was annoyed about his trust in Dorothy and his guard against her.

Back on the first floor, she walked into the familiar kitchen and opened the refrigerator, only to find that it was mostly empty.

It seemed that he was not eating properly.

She wanted to get someone to deliver some food, but she had been dragged out by John, so she did not bring her phone with her or leave herself. It seemed that she could not cook a big meal.

Fortunately, there were eggs in the refrigerator and a few bags of instant noodles in the cupboard.

Olivia turned on the fire, fried the four eggs until golden on both sides, took them out, and cut them into small pieces. After that, she put them back into the pot, added the seasoning and an appropriate amount of water, and put the noodles in after the water started boiling.

lan was reading a book upstairs in his room when he suddenly smelled a familiar scent. He could not stop his eyebrows from furrowing together.


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