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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 311

Chapter 311


John took the opportunity to sit right across from Olivia. His eyes were like pools as he looked at her and said, “Cook me a bowl of that too.”

Olivia was stunned and caught by surprise.

John was being unexpectedly nice. That could only mean…

Olivia looked down at her own bowl of noodles and pushed it toward John. “If you don’t mind, take this, then. I haven’t touched it yet.”

“I don’t mind.”

He slurped up a mouthful of noodles and swallowed slowly. He looked at Olivia and said, “It’s still the same familiar taste. I like it.”

That made her more uneasy.

What was he trying to do?

She immediately looked at lan and could not help but be curious. Was John putting on a show for him?

Once that thought was born, Olivia stuck with it. She felt a little suffocated.

However, she did not want to expose John, so she turned back to go to the kitchen to whip up another bowl of noodles. This was the first time in two years she had gotten to eat a meal with her brother, and she did not want this experience to be ruined by John.

Soon after, she carried a new bowl of noodles out of the kitchen and scooped out a huge portion to put into lan’s bowl.

“Eat more, lan. You’re still growing, so you’ve gotta have enough nutrients. Eat well from today onward, okay?”

lan’s body stiffened. He did not raise his head and merely mumbled an, ‘okay’ as a reply.

Olivia breathed a sigh of relief seeing how lan was no longer defensive and prickly towards her.

She believed that as long as she was determined and patient, there would be a day in the future when lan and herself would be as close as they once were.

It was a simple, peaceful, and quiet meal, but Olivia was content.

After lunch, lan went upstairs alone while Olivia did the dishes. Then, she walked up to John and asked, “Are you leaving?”

He reached out and yanked her into his embrace, causing her to fall into his lap. She was able to smell the faint scent of tobacco on him, and that made her heart quicken.

“Are you happy?”

With one hand around her waist and another on her chin, he forced her to look him in the eye.

Olivia frowned and remained silent.


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