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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 327

Chapter 327

They saw John approaching them coldly and dragging Olivia away from Zac.

Zac did not let go this time, and his gaze turned cold. “John, stop it.”

Olivia was not feeling well, and he wanted to send her to the hospital. He did not have time to waste arguing with John.

However, John did not plan to let it go. He grabbed Olivia’s arm, unwilling to let go, as he stared at Zac coldly and ordered. “Olivia, come here.”

Olivia’s face was pale, and she could feel the rusty taste gushing up from her throat.

“John, let go.”

With that, she shook off John’s hand.

However, she was weak. Instead of breaking free from John’s grip, she just angered


“Olivia Larson, don’t forget that you’re a married woman!”

She looked up at him and snorted. “You forgot about that first.”


Zac pushed John away and snapped, “John, get out of the way! Olivia is uncomfortable. Can’t you see it?”

“You don’t need to worry about my wife’s feelings.”

John pulled Olivia out of Zac’s arms brutally.

She lost a support to lean against, and her weak legs could not support her anymore,

so she fell backward on her head. Her head crashed on the door and made a loud thumping sound.



They both tried to help her, but she fell to the ground after her vision darkened.

Zac quickly carried Olivia and dashed out to the elevator as he shouted to John,” Press the lift button! We’ll go in your car. We have to be quick.”

John did not dare to argue about all those petty things anymore and obeyed Zac’s instructions.

As he drove to the hospital, he stared coldly at the rearview mirror.

Looking at Olivia lying in Zac’s arms made his anger boil. He was about to explode in fury.


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