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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 328

Chapter 328

Zac frowned. “What women? Do you think everyone is like you?”

“Olivia has gotten injured several times because of the Jameson family. Are you trying to say that it has nothing to do with you?”

Zac remained silent.

His gaze turned cold when he recalled it was because of Rainie.

However, he never expected Rainie to be so bold.

Since warning her did not work, Zac felt he had to take action.

After a while, Ken opened the door and came out, glancing at them.

“Did Liv fall on her head?”

They looked at each other and nodded.

“Hey! Liv just fell from twenty floors and miscarried a while ago. Could you please take it easy on her?

“She’s got two slap marks on her face. Who did it?”

Ken looked at John and asked, “Was it you?”

Before John could respond, he continued. “She’s suffering from a concussion. The fall before caused this, and the situation’s worsened since the fall. We’ll only know about Olivia’s condition after she regains consciousness.”

Ken glanced at John coldly again. “John, you can continue what you’re doing, but be prepared for Olivia to forget you when she wakes up.”

With that, Ken walked away before John could vent his anger at him.

Surprisingly, John did not flare up and remained silent with a serious look on his face. He seemed to be pondering something, but no one knew what it was.

When the nurse pushed Olivia out, John glanced at her and immediately headed out.

Zac watched him leave and followed the nurse to the ward.

Tonight, he wanted to stay with Olivia until she woke up.

After John walked out of the hospital, he sat in his Maybach and looked at the

screenshot Wes sent him. Then, he sneered.

The Jameson family was looking for trouble.

He called Ken and asked him to send a copy of the latest test report to the police


Even though John did not know the whole story, he read online that the poison was the same as the one Ken had mentioned to him.


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