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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 353

Chapter 353

Larson’s Residence.

Olivia walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to see what was there. She could not stop herself from thinking about John.

There was a stabbing pain in her heart. He did not want to give her freedom, so what else could she do?

In the past, she only wanted to stay by his side from sunrise to sunset, but now, she just wanted to escape.

She was afraid.

She was afraid that he would get angry and afraid that he would hurt her, but she was even more afraid that he would oppose her and defend her enemy.

“What’s for dinner?”

lan took a bottle of water from the refrigerator. After he raised his head and took a sip, he glanced at her casually. “How does it feel to be trending?”

Only then did she come back to her senses. She forced a smile and answered. “It feels like standing under the spotlight and being judged by everyone.”

“The media likes to talk nonsense, so don’t take it to heart.”

After hearing this, Olivia was startled. Tears welled up in her eyes instantly, and her thin lips trembled.” lan, y-you trust me?”

lan was taken aback by her reaction. He stared at her blankly for two seconds and then said. “Zayn’s matter has nothing to do with you, anyway. I’m involved, so I know what the truth is.”

After that, he looked Olivia up and down. “Who would you be able to beat with your thin body that vomits blood at random intervals?”

He seemed to be mocking her, but Olivia heard the concern within his words.

She smiled and rushed over to hug him. “Ian, thank you for believing in me. Thank you…”

He nudged her with a little disgust, “Hey, why are you crying and laughing at the same time? You weren’t like this before.”

“I’m happy.”

After holding him for a few minutes, she let go of him and asked, “What do you want to eat tonight? What about aglio olio?”

“That’s too oily. Let’s eat something lighter on the stomac.”

“Didn’t you use to love it?”

lan frowned. “That was before. I don’t like it now. Don’t keep bringing up the past.”


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