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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 354

Chapter 354

“She said she was coming back.”

Olivia’s heart twitched suddenly. “Ian…”

“What on earth happened to Aunt Ella?”

Upon hearing this, Olivia felt as if she had been plunged into an ice cellar. She looked at him with a pale face. “lan, you don’t believe me anymore?”

‘Didn’t he say yesterday that what the media said was all false?

‘Yet he believes everything after Dorothy called him?

‘Why is he the same as John? They believe Dorothy’s every word without hesitation.

‘Am I so untrustworthy?’

lan repeated coldly, “What happened?”

Olivia was silent for a long time. After she licked her dry lips, she said, “That day, she came to me and knelt on the ground asking me to forgive Dorothy…

“lan, she also called the reporter. Otherwise, how would there be photos?”

She forced a smile. “Yes, I vomited the blood and sprayed it on her face, but I didn’t touch her at all.”

The emotions in lan’s eyes changed slightly. “Why were you vomiting blood?”

“I was mad.” Olivia glanced at him and walked to the table. “She was twisting the truth and blaming those lies on me. I couldn’t stand it.”

“Was it about you cheating?”


Olivia tried to suppress her anger. “You should remember that Dorothy used to be my best friend.

“Because of me, Dad gave the Ellis family some money to start a business.

“That’s the reason the Ellis family is where they are today. After all, our family is the Ellis family’s benefactors, but they’re ungrateful.”

She paused, took a breath, and took lan’s hand. “I don’t want you to hold any hatred in your heart, so I don’t say much and try my best to avoid talking about it.

“Now that you’re older, you know how to distinguish right from wrong. I hope that you’ll think according to your heart.”


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