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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 363

Chapter 363

John’s face immediately went dark and gloomy. A storm was brewing in his eyes, almost like they were going to explode soon.

Olivia was quick to push Zyla into Ken’s arms. “Take her away.”

“Sis Liv!”

Zyla was unwilling, but Olivia glared at her and ordered Ken. “Ken Lucas, take her away quickly now.”

Ken did not dare to disobey her, so he yanked Zyla’s hand and headed out.

On the flip side, Olivia’s hands were balled into fists as she spat coldly, “John Freeman, this has nothing to do with Zyla. Dorothy was the one that was going to hit her.”

“Johnny, my face hurts.”

Dorothy pulled at John coquettishly and said, “Johnny, they’ve got me looking like this now. How am I supposed to join the party?”

John removed Dorothy’s hands silently and replied stoically, “Go find Wes for a change of clothes.”

Dorothy saw that John had no means of avenging her, so she cried, “Johnny, you brought me here, so if they hit me, it means that they’re hitting you by extension, right? Also, there are so many watching eyes…”

John glared at her apathetically and said in a low voice, “Dorothy Ellis, don’t test my patience.”

Dorothy sniffled, turned around, and went to look for Wes.

She was clear that John was not entirely trusting of her yet, so she could not push his limits, since if she angered him, it would be detrimental.

However, to Olivia, this scene looked more like John flirting with his little mistress and her scoffing and snickering.

“Why are you being so publicly nice to me today, Mr. Freeman?”

If this was before, he would have immediately exploded and gotten her to kneel before Dorothy as a sign of apology.

He was really acting a little low-key today.

John frowned. “Olivia Larson, don’t say things so snidely.”

“How could I dare to? You’re the one with the ultimate power, Mr. Freeman. You could one day just finish. me off silently.”

Right after that, Olivia chuckled. “Oh, right, I understand now. You did mention that my purpose in coming. here today was to clear the air around our marriage, right, Mr. Freeman?

“You’re such a brilliant businessman indeed.”


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