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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 364

Chapter 364

About Zac?

Olivia had known Zac for such a long time, and he had never once talked about his father, so she guessed that they were not on that good of terms.

For Zac’s father to come looking for her like this, it surely could not be anything good.

This had Olivia worried for Zac.

She pushed John away and said, “Mr. Quinton, if I have the answers to whatever you may ask, I will tell you everything.”

John hung onto Olivia once more and said to Jimmy, “Don’t make things difficult for her, Uncle Quinton.”

Jimmy chuckled and said, “What is it you’re saying? Could your Uncle Quinton really bully your wife?” John did not reply to that and merely let go of Olivia’s hand. Looking at the backs of Jimmy and Olivia, who were walking away, he could not help but frown.

As Jimmy and Olivia walked onto the balcony, Jimmy handed Olivia a glass of wine. “Ms. Larson, I heard you’ve gotten very close to Zac as of late, right?”

She took the glass of wine from him but did not drink it. She nodded and replied, “Yes. Mr. Quinton is a good man.”

“You should know that Zac has a marriage arrangement with the Jamesons, right?”

Olivia frowned. “I’m aware.”

“Zac has been a disobedient boy since he was young, and now that he’s older, he’s even more opinionated now. He refuses to work at Quinton Group so much, it’s like it’ll kill him if he does. He insisted on going out there to open some law firm.”

Jimmy sighed and continued. “But he’s my only son. If I don’t pass on this huge family inheritance to him, who else can I pass it on to?”

Olivia noticed that he had some hidden meaning between his words. “Mr. Quinton, if you don’t mind, please just get to the point.”

“You don’t have to be so courteous with me, Ms. Larson. You are Zac’s friend, so you can just call me Uncle Quinton.”

“Uncle Quinton, please just get to the point.”

“Please help me persuade Zac to come home. Will you?”

Olivia observed Jimmy. Even though there was a trace of worry in his eyes, it did not look like a father missing his child.

“Uncle Quinton, I don’t think I can be of any help regarding the situation between you and Zac.”

“Liv.” Jimmy looked at her and pushed his glasses up. “The marriage arrangement between him and the Jamesons was decided a long time ago. Please try to convince him to not be so stubborn.”


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