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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 366

Chapter 366

Dorothy flashed a smile of victory at her and leaned her head into John’s arms.

“Johnny, I didn’t push Liv. Really…”

After getting out of the fountain, John put her down and glanced at her coldly. “Only you know if that’s true.”

Dorothy froze for a second and then cried as she held his waist. “Johnny, I don’t have any reason to push her. Am I really so wicked in your eyes?”

She coughed a few times while speaking. “Who’s the reason for me being so weak now?”

Hearing those words, John toned down a little. “Then you should mind your own business better.” Seeing their intimacy, Olivia felt as if someone had stabbed her in the heart. It was extremely painful. She endured the freezing cold and crawled out of the water with difficulty. She walked toward them, drenched, and snorted. “Dorothy, you’re really dedicated to proving that John loves you, huh? It’s honestly. unnecessary.”

Then, she looked at John in despair. “He’s just a piece of trash that I used and discarded. Just ask, and I’ll give him to you. You don’t even need to pull this act.”

She turned around and burst out into tears. At the same time, she was still laughing.

‘I must laugh, even if I can taste the saltiness.

‘I couldn’t care less!

‘It was just seventeen years, right?

‘He’s just a man, right?

‘It’s just John Freeman.

‘Whoever wants him, be my guest! I, Olivia Larson, don’t give a damn anymore!”

John felt a piercing pain in his chest as he observed her figure from behind. He wanted to stop her. However, Dorothy hugged his waist tightly, and her voice was still traveling to his ears.

“Johnny, I’m hurt…”

In the end, he could only carry her upstairs.

The location of the hotel was quite remote. Olivia noticed her surroundings becoming increasingly creepy, with only a few street lights shining around.

The wet clothes clinging to her body made her shiver from the cold.

It got even colder when the wind blew on her.

She did not know how long it would take to leave this place, nor did she know where Zy was.

Suddenly, the rain started pouring.


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