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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 365

Chapter 365

Jimmy’s face contorted into a grim, mocking smile. “I’m helping you, Johnny.”

“You don’t have to worry about me, Uncle Quinton.”

Immediately after, John took Olivia’s hand and led her to the other side of the building.

“How many times have I told you to leave Zac alone, Olivia Larson? Why won’t you listen?”

Olivia flung his hand away and smirked coldly. “If it wasn’t for Zac, I would’ve died so many times already.”

“Jimmy Quinton isn’t someone you can afford to anger.

“Yes, I can’t afford it.” She stared at him. “I can’t afford to anger you as well. I’m just a weak, powerless woman. I can’t afford to anger anyone.”

“Olivia Larson!” He grabbed her wrist with strong might and barked coldly, “Do you not know how to listen to instructions on what’s best for you?”

She felt elated as she watched John fume with rage.

“How I see it, no matter how much of a trash bag Jimmy Quinton is, he’s no match for you!”

Olivia flung hard to get John to release her, but it was to no avail. She got frustrated and yelled, “Let go!” “Me? Trash?”

John pinched Olivia’s chin tight and swooped in with a kiss.

Watching her blow her top like an angry, hissing cat, John chuckled coldly. “You’re never ever going to escape the palm of my hand, so why do you have to try to go against me all the time?”

Olivia glared at John spitefully, her teeth gritted. “John Freeman, you’re nuts!

“You were still pretending to be gentle, sweet, and the perfect husband just a week ago, so why don’t you continue that act of yours right now? Were your true colors exposed once more? Did Dorothy get you to take off your mask?”

Before John could respond, Olivia bit him hard on the arm, forcing him to let her go. She ran for her life.

What kind of stupid party was this? She had had enough!

Olivia was walking quickly toward the outside when someone yanked her on the hand.

She thought it was John and was about to yell before she heard the voice that she loathed the most.

“Where do you think you’re going, Olivia? Are you running away?”


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