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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 391

Chapter 391

John asked Wes to take lan to the hospital and stayed behind.

Looking at the unconscious man on the ground, he picked up a bucket nearby and poured cold water over him.

The man instantly sat up from the floor, looked up into John’s bloodthirsty eyes, and shuddered instantly. He frantically waved his hands and opened his mouth to beg for mercy.

However, he did not say a word after opening his mouth for some time.

John was in no mood to waste time with him. He held the dagger to his neck and whispered coldly, “Tell me who sent you? What are they after?”

The man was scared, shaking his head desperately, but the only sound out of his mouth was “Uhh”.

John lost his patience and stabbed the man in the thigh, causing him to yell in pain.

John frowned, grabbed the man’s jaw, looked at his throat, and yelled, “F*ck. He’s a mute.”

He was mostly focused on Olivia as the first stab went down, so he did not notice that the man’s screams were hoarse.

It seemed that the matter was not that simple.

Who could be behind this?

Was it Dorothy?

However, Dorothy could not have planned it out so well….

He checked their phones, but there was no information. All these people were also mute, making John a little worried.

Was their target Olivia or someone else?

The Winter family was associated with him earlier, while the Jameson family was associated with Zac.

John quickly called Wes. “Before you kill them, find out who these people are and if Zac and I have made. any enemies lately.”


After hanging up, he walked inside.


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