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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 392

Chapter 392

Ken froze. He was silent for a moment before saying, “Dorothy spiked Zyla’s drink that night.”

With that said, he turned to John and said, “She admitted it herself.”

Then he opened the door and went out.

After knowing him for years, he believed it had nothing to do with John.

However, Olivia’s accusations and suspicions were not unfounded, so Ken was not going to defend John.

John’s expression was ghastly. If Dorothy did it, it was not surprising that Olivia hated him.

However, he needed proof.

Olivia had a dream.

A dream of a happy reunion.

There were Zyla and lan. They went to the prairie together, where they rode horses and enjoyed the sunshine and the smell of the fresh grass.

The laughter in her ears filled her with happiness.

Then they went to a snow mountain.

Zyla glided carefully across the snow, clutching her hand in fear and refusing to let go..

Suddenly, she heard a loud noise.

Before she knew it, the avalanche was in front of her.

Zyla and lan were screaming in her ears, but her consciousness faded.

“Liv! Liv!”

It was lan’s voice. He was calling her.

Olivia snapped out of her dream and shouted, “lan!”

She wanted to get up, but the pain kept her from moving.

The next thing she knew, she was in the hospital with her right leg in a thick cast, hanging high at the end

of the bed.

“Liv?” Zac helped her up and said worriedly, “Don’t move. You’re badly hurt and need to stay in bed.”

“Where’s lan?”


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