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Happy Mommy Happy Daddy full novel novel Chapter 69

Chapter 69 Why Does It Seem Like a Date?

Steve held back his laughter and began to guide Samir seriously.

In the end, Samir was a business genius. He didn’t know emojis before because he never tried to know them. Steve guided him a few times, and then he got the hang of it. Downstairs, Alora sat on the sofa and frowned at the emojis that Teacher Rowan sent her.

She took back what she said before that Teacher Rowan didn’t understand emojis!

Not only did this Teacher Rowan understand emojis, he could also use them flexibly. He had many emojis that she had never seen before!

For some reason, the Teacher Rowan who was not good at talking before seemed to have become a different person today.

During the meal, Samir sat opposite Alora, eating while casually asking, “Have you made an appointment to meet with your Teacher Rowan?”


“I won’t be having dinner at home tonight. Teacher Rowan and I made an appointment to go out for dinner tonight.” Alora nodded.

“Eat more.” She smiled and picked up a piece of vegetable for Steve.

The man sitting opposite her frowned slightly. He had talked to her for so long, but she only mentioned so little right now?

“What else did you talk to him about?” the man continued to pick up the dishes casually.

“Nothing. It’s just about the filming and cooperation in the future.”


“Why are you so concerned about Teacher Rowan?” Alora asked. The woman thought about it. Did Samir think that she and Teacher Rowan were… “I thought that Teacher Rowan couldn’t use emojis, but I found that he used them quite well,” she said.

Her words made Samir smile.

He looked at Steve proudly.

Steve shook his head helplessly and lowered his head to continue eating.

But what Alora said next almost made the two kids on the table laugh out loud.

“It seems that although Teacher Rowan is very old, his soul is very young.” She said seriously.

“I really hope that when I reach Teacher Rowan’s age, I will still have such a young mentality.” The two brothers looked at each other and picked up their bowls, blocking their laughter with rice.

Samir’s face was ashen. “Eat slowly, don’t choke.” Alora looked at Steve and James who were desperately eating. “Oh, we’re fine.”

“Daddy, I tried my best.” James put down the bowl and chewed on the rice while looking at Samir’s face, “I really tried my best.”

Samir looked at Alora coldly. He held back his temper and looked at Alora with a fake smile. “I also hope that when you reach Teacher Rowan’s age,” he said. “You could be as calm and good-tempered as he is.”

After he finished speaking, the man put down his chopsticks and left.

Alora looked blankly at the man’s back as he left.

Did she say something she shouldn’t have said? Why did he look like he was angry again? “He encountered a problem,”


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