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Happy Mommy Happy Daddy full novel novel Chapter 70

Chapter 70 Humiliation

As soon as Elena finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter around her.

The people around her laughed, “How has Lake Restaurant come to this?”

The voices of the women were not soft, causing the people around them to look over.

In a short while, there was a circle of people around Alora who were watching the show, judging her.

Alora was not annoyed.

She looked up at Elena and the others, her eyes full of doubt, “What do you mean by attracting customers?”

“Why? You’re playing dumb? I’m saying that you’re a whore!” a woman who was following Elena explained with a smile.

“Elena,” Alora said with a smile.

“I know you used to live in the slums, but now you are the young miss of the Van family. It is better not to say this kind of thing in the future.” She looked at Elena with pity.

“Alora! What do you mean?” Elena frowned.

“Elena, I know you don’t like lectures.” Alora looked at her innocently.

“But on such an occasion, you have to be careful.”

“Although you haven’t finished your junior high school and skipped classes to drink every day in school, now that you have returned to the Van family, you have to change your way of talking. Talk like a civilized woman, please.”

The woman’s words stunned the women around Elena who had been flattering her.

The Van Group was very strict in recruiting, and they all graduated from famous schools!

And this young miss of the family actually didn’t even graduate from high school?

The surrounding people were also gossiping.

“No wonder she speaks so vulgarly. It turns out that she’s not educated.”

Most of the customers who came and went to Lake Restaurant were either rich or noble. When Alora said this, they all began to scoff at Elena.

“Alora!” Elena clenched her fists tightly.

This woman actually dared to point out her lack of education in public!

“Since when was it your turn to educate me!” She glared at her fiercely.

“No matter what, I am van family’s real eldest young miss. You are just a slut who has been raised by mistake! What right do you have to criticize me!?”

Alora sighed and lowered her head. “I know my background is not good, and I do not have the qualifications to teach you a lesson.”

“I just think, Elena, you are Van family’s biological daughter after all. When you go out, you have to act properly. You can’t embarrass the Van family.”

“Dad and Mom raised me up after all, I can’t bear to see their reputation ruined because of you…” Alora lowered her head and said in a sad voice. The discussions of the surrounding people became louder and louder. “Look, so this is Van family’s young miss… Tsk, tsk tsk, tsk.” “Yeah, she was uttering dirty words like it was nothing. She must’ve been in contact with this kind of thing a lot.”

Elena was so angry that her face turned red and white.

On the road opposite the restaurant, a black Maserati was parked there. A man in a black suit leaned against the back seat of the car, calmly watching the scene at the entrance of the restaurant No one noticed that a trace of cunning flashed through Alora’s eyes the moment she lowered her head.

Samir’s slender fingers rested on the lowered car window as a doting smile appeared on his lips.


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