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Hatred With Benefits novel Chapter 55


My heart is racing in my chest as I turn around to see my mother standing by my door with suspicion clear in her eyes.

"Mom! What are you doing up here?" I greet in a high pitched tone as I pray Emerson is down to the yard before I move away from the window.

"I heard voices, Eva. Who was in here with you?" Mom ignores my question to throw hers at me and my throat suddenly closes up at the fact that she caught me red-handed. Not exactly red-handed, but she heard voices and she saw me by the window.

"Um, I..." I struggle to find my words and mom makes her way inside, shutting the door behind her as she strides toward me.

"There was no one—" she doesn't listen to me as she peeks behind me to the window before she side steps me and I bite down on my tongue, tension floating around me.

I turn my body in her direction at the same time she raises her head and I let out a quiet sigh of relief when she says, "Who was here?"

"Who could have been here? There's no one with me, mom. " I tell her and she gives me a look of disbelief before she gazes down my window again.

"Mom. " I call and she raises her head, moving away from the window.

"I heard another voice with yours, Eva. I can almost swear I saw a shadow and it wasn't yours. " She explains and I shake my head, grabbing onto her hand as I guide her to my bed.

"You saw wrong. I was alone. " I assure her and she raises a brow, "Are you sure you weren't sneaking a guy up here?"

"Of course not, " I deny and she narrows her eyes. "The strange noises that come from–"

"Mom! There's no one in my room, and I told you those strange noises are from the movies I watch. I was standing by the window for a take of the fresh air. " The words easily leave my mouth and mom stares at me for seconds before she drops her shoulders.

"Okay, I believe you if you say so. I came to say goodnight since you weren't downstairs. " She smiles at me as she grabs my hands and I match her smile with one of mine before I move into her arms and let her give gentle pats on my back.

"Let me know if anything is disturbing you, " she whispers and I raise my head from her chest to meet her eyes, "Why do you sound like that? I'm fine. "

"I know, " she chuckles as she cups my face in her hands. "You just rarely talk to me about things these days, like you used to and I thought maybe– just maybe you are falling back into that place. " There's a pain in her eyes and pain in her voice, and it makes my heart arches. The thought that she felt I wasn't close enough to her.

"Never, mom. " I assure her, pushing into her hold. "I'm fine. I'm at peace. I haven't talked to you because I have no troubles to share. You've helped me out of it and I'm doing alright. "

"Is that right? You don't think—" she doesn't complete her words as tears shine through her orbs and I say, "Please, don't. I'm sorry I made you think that way and made you worried about me, but you have nothing to be worried about; I promise. The second anything happens, I'll always come to you and you know that. "

She nods at my words and brings me into her arms again, her chest falling in a sigh as she brushes my hair. "I'm happy to hear those words from you. "

"I know, so please don't let me see your tears. It hurts. " I whine and she drags my body back to place a kiss on my forehead before she says, "I won't, baby. You'll never see them. You have no reason to. " With another kiss, she smiles before she jerks her head to the side.

"You should head to bed. "

"You should leave. " I say and she hums, "I should, but I want to watch over you. "

"Mom. You should go—"

She doesn't let me finish my words before she cuts in. "I want to watch you sleep, Eva. It's been a while. "

With a nod of my head, I take a peek at my window before I slide further away from mom, and move under the duvet while she sits by my side with her eyes not leaving me.

"Sweet dreams, baby. " She coos and I give her a soft smile before I close my eyes and turn to lay on my side, forcing myself to sleep in the presence of my mother, instead of the embrace of Emerson Ford.


"It's like you're leaving all over again. " Mom says as she stands in front of me with a frown on her face.

"Should I stay back for the next break so we wouldn't have to do this?" I joke with a soft smile and she shakes her head, striding closer to pull my cheek. "Take care of yourself, hmm?"

"You too, mother. Don't start engaging in stressful things just because I'm gone. " I tell her and she nods, spreading her arms for another hug and I move into her open arms, staying for a few seconds before I'm pulled back by the sound of dad's voice.

"Easy with the guys, Eva. "

"No promises, mother. " I wink and throw her a flying kiss before I walk out of the house, and climb into dad's car.

The journey starts and ends in comfortable silence before we're in front of my apartment, and a smile crosses my lips at the sight of Emerson's car parked in its usual spot as I move out of dad's car and send him off with a wave.

"I thought I'd be first. " I mutter under my breath as I stroll to the front door.

I jump in surprise as Emerson's body collides into mine the minute I walk through the door, causing my backpack to drop from my hold.

"How long have you been standing there?" I question when he wraps his arms around me.

"Long enough to see your Daddy drop you. " He answers and I lean back to throw him a pointed look. "Don't start with Daddy's jokes. "

"I won't. " He chortles as he presses his face into my hair, breathing me in. "I've missed you. "

"We saw last night, Emerson. " I remind him of the fact that I had to drag his ass off my bed to get him to leave.

"You threw me out of there. " He complains when he removes his face from my side to meet my eyes and I say, "You wouldn't leave otherwise. I think your obsession with me is becoming stronger, Ford. "

"And you're taking a great joy in that, aren't you?" He accuses and I drop my hands to his shoulders, "Yes. I love the fact that you're obsessed with me. "

"You know what would make me more obsessed?" He lowers his voice and I don't need further words from him before I slide my hands down his shoulders and fist my hands into the front of his shirt to yank him closer.

"I knew it the moment I walked through that door. " I whisper before I capture his lips in mine. Emerson doesn't waste another second before he drops his hands to my ass, and lifts me off my feet, wrapping my legs around him. He lets me take control of the kiss, lowering his guard for me to do as I wish and I take great pleasure in doing so. I bite and suck, till I feel the numbness of my lips against his but that doesn't stop me from wanting more, nor does it stop the explosion of heat in my lower belly or the loud beats of my heart in my chest.

Emerson gives and I take. I cause and he acts. Swallowing each sound before it gets to leave his throat, with him doing the same to mine as he squeezes my ass roughly in his grip, making me soak my panties with just a few minutes in his hold.

"My room or yours?" Emerson breaths down my neck when we finally halt the kiss to take a second to restore what's needed.

"Yours. " His. I want to be surrounded by everything and anything that's Emerson Ford. I want him to ram his dick inside where it aches for him on the softness of his bed with his eyes on me, his hands on me, his lips on me, his presence and smell surrounding me. His space and his air. I want everything.

Emerson's lips are back on mine as he leads the way to my request and I hear the shut of the door before my back crashes against the frame. He's snatched the control from me now, his mouth fast and aggressive against mine as he takes more than I'm able to give and I know I'm getting the wicked shade of Emerson Ford.

He carries me to his bed and I can barely keep up with his movements as he gets rid of his clothes along with mine, before he retrieves a condom from the side.

"Want to do it?" He offers as he rips the packet and brings out the rubber. Accepting his offer, I take it from him and roll the rubber down the impressive length of his cock, anticipation dripping between my thighs as Emerson hugs my body to his before he thrusts inside my wetness, slamming inside in one painfully sweet movement.

"Fuck–" I let out a cuss, my hands going to his hair and I grip onto the end of his locks, hard enough to hear Emerson say, "Yes, that's right baby. Grip my hair and scream for me. "

It's like my body automatically complies with his command as I grip his hair tighter— the way I know he loves and wants— and call out his name in heavy breathes as he takes every fraction of my body and makes it his at this moment.

He takes everything I have to offer, but gives even more till I no longer recognize the moans that are from me, and the ones that are from him. Till I can no longer say which heartbeats I'm listening to, till I can no longer tell where he touches stays or leaves, and till he consumes my very being, bringing sweet, sizzling pleasure with him.


Emerson walks out of the bathroom in his boxers and surprise masks his expression as his eyes move across my body.


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