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Hatred With Benefits novel Chapter 60


His lips meet mine and everything else becomes non-existent as he brings me into the world only he is capable of– the world where there's nothing but me and him with the feelings and desires that burns between us. The world that's come to be one of comfort, and the world that's come to be our special place.

"Make it yours this time?" Emerson pulls back to request and I'm only able to give a nod before I capture his lips in mine and slide my hands over his shoulder while Emerson leads us in the direction of my room.

It isn't long before we find our way to my room, managing to not stumble along the way as Emerson adjusts me in his arms and strides to my bed.

He places me on the mattress before he draws back to remove his pants and his boxers. I watch as he pulls his shirt over his head, and I let my eyes move down the art that's considered his body with the muscles yet surprisingly smooth skin. Emerson doesn't waste another second getting rid of my clothes, leaving me bare to his gaze and his touches as he moves over my body.

He tucks a strand of my hair away from my face as he leans forward to press his lips to my neck, and I bury my fingers in his hair, letting out sounds of pleasure with each contact of his lips to my skin.

"The first time we had sex, " Emerson breaths as he pulls back to meet my eyes. "Do you remember what you said to me?"

" I remember I said a lot of things. " I respond and he chuckles, pressing his lips to the curves of my breasts before he says, "You said to not leave marks. " The somehow distant memory of me pressed to Emerson's car in the darkness of the night with his mouth and hands on me for the very first time goes through my mind after those words.

"What about it?" I ask him when my gaze settles on him again and he glides his hand from my thigh to the middle of my chest. "I left a mark that day. "

"What?" The word leaves my mouth without much thought and he smiles, pressing his forefinger to my throat. "You must have not noticed with my cock inside you, but I left a mark right there. It was faint, but it was there. "

"I didn't notice after either. " I tell him, and he nods, caressing the skin. "I thought you would and I thought you would confront me about it, but you didn't. "

"Why did you leave a mark? I told you not to. " I frown at him and he mashes his lips to mine, kissing my frown away before he detaches his lips from mine to speak. "Back then, I did it to annoy you. It was just a mark to defy you, but now that I think back to it with how I feel– it wasn't just to defy you. I made you mine from that moment, Carson. I just never realized it. "

His words bring a smile to my face despite how crazy they seem to sound and I lift my legs to his waist to nudge him closer, my body trembling slightly at the feel of his cock against my wet entrance.

"And now that you've realized it, what do you plan to do with me tonight, Ford?" I raise a brow and a smirk slowly climbs on his face as he circles his hand around my throat, fucked up enough for me to drip more between my thighs, but not enough to cut my breath.

"I plan to do it. Over and over again till they all know that you're mine and I'm yours. " He declares and I struggle with my words, but manage to get them across. "Then what are you waiting for?"

Emerson's other hand moves to the space between our lower bodies, and his finger strokes my clit, forcing a whimper out of me.

"I want you bare. Let me feel your wall clench around me without the rubber, Diva. Please. Let me have it. " I once said my favourite part of Emerson Ford in bed is when he takes it his way, but I've never found anything sexier and hotter enough to turn me into a complete putty in his arms than when he pleads. There's just something oddly satisfying about the fact that this man will fight me for everything, yet plead with me for the same things.

"What's stopping you?" I mumble and the smile returns to his face as he moves his hand from my clit to grab his cock. He holds my gaze and directs it to the movement as he brings his cock to my core, and the slight graze of the hardness against my wetness is enough to make me arch more into him.

"Oh–" I breathe when he pushes in by an inch and then stops to meet my eyes. "I'll go slow this time. Don't push me, Eva, and don't ask me to go faster. Just feel it. Feel me inside you. Feel how beautiful it is. Feel us. " I'm unable to form a word with how soothing those words sound coming from him and how he thrusts inside me slowly with each word so I go with a nod, but that's enough for Emerson.

He presses his lips to my face before he coils his fingers through mine and pulls our hands over my head, meeting my eyes as he slowly pushes inside my pussy and gently slides out. Repeatedly till it's the sound of my moans, and his grunts and the contact of the eyes with the fast beats of the heart in the silence of the night. Someway, it feels so fucking deeper at this moment. Somehow, it feels like the most beautiful moment between Emerson Ford and I.

"I love you. " He whispers and the words hit me a million fucking times than when he said them earlier. They overwhelm me till they almost bring me to my tears and the tremor in my voice is unmistakable as I speak, "I love you. " And I know there's no bigger truth than this one right here.


"Are you asleep?" Emerson asks as he gives gentle pats on my back and I shake my head against his chest, coiling my fingers through the hand he has with mine.


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