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Healing my disabled husband novel Chapter 1039

Chapter 1039 Eden Criticizes Them for Losing a Lot

As time passed day by day, the children grew up and new ones came into this world one after another.

This time, Aimee wasn't pregnant with twins, just one child. Eden had once again started a betting pool to guess whether it would be a boy or girl.

It was well known that Patrick wanted a daughter.

So now, the whole family of four was eagerly anticipating that it would be a girl. Of course, this was also because Ridge had finally given up on his own hopes and joined in on hoping for a sister who wasn't like Rosemary.

As everyone placed their bets - whether intentionally or coincidentally - besides Patrick's family, everyone else guessed it would be a boy.

Patrick was almost driven to fainting by these people. They were just too much!

Aimee herself felt speechless about them. They really weren't afraid of Patrick getting revenge later on!

As time went by and Aimee's due date approached, they still insisted on keeping the answer until the last moment. So even though everyone took turns urging her to go check early and find out the gender beforehand, Aimee didn't agree. She wanted to keep the suspense until the end.

Finally one afternoon during the first week of October, Aimee suddenly began experiencing contractions. She knew she was going into labor even though she still had half a month left before her due date arrived.

They hurriedly rushed her off to hospital without checking first and she was pushed straight into delivery room before anyone could do anything else about it.

Patrick stood outside of delivery room feeling so nervous he could hardly breathe anymore, while Rosemary held onto his hand asking repeatedly, "Daddy, is it going to be little sister?"


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