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Healing my disabled husband novel Chapter 1040

Chapter 1040 You Don't Have to Tell Me Every Time

When Aimee was pushed out of the delivery room, her face was unusually weak. This delivery had really drained her of all her strength. A good body didn't necessarily mean a smooth delivery, something that Aimee had only just come to realize.

But she never expected that after such an easy first birth, the second would be so difficult.

Aimee looked at Patrick who was already leaning over her and said, "I'm safe and sound."

Patrick's tears fell directly down his face as he kissed Aimee's lips without caring about anyone else around them. He kissed her fiercely as if this could give him a real sense of security that Aimee was truly safe.

Patrick said, "We're not having any more children."

Aimee smiled and said, "But I still want another boy."

She always felt guilty towards Ridge because he had been so determined to have a brother, but everyone sided with Rosemary which forced Ridge to accept their wish for a sister instead.

Now that their wish for a sister had been fulfilled, Aimee didn't want to show favoritism and wanted to fulfill Ridge's wish too.

Patrick couldn't promise anything; he really didn't want Aimee to have any more children. Fortunately, the doctor suggested they go back home and rest first before discussing it again later on.

The baby girl's name had already been decided early on because everyone hoped for a sister. Her name was Nathalie Read with the surname from Aimee. Of course if it were going to be a brother, then his name would be Owen Read instead.

Now Nathalie was born into anticipation and everything seemed like it will develop in the most perfect direction possible.

Ridge stood by Nathalie's crib staring at her fixedly for quite some time before finally blurting out two words, "So ugly."


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