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Healing my disabled husband novel Chapter 110

Matilda went back, found Aimee, and told Aimee what she wanted to do, and she saw Aimee looking at her strangely.

"You mean, you're going to help Miles now?" Aimee raised her eyebrows, very much unable to understand this behavior of Matilda.

"Not really, I'm helping you get your revenge." Matilda said.

Aimee almost laughed at her comment.

She said, "Help me get revenge? So, disrupt my plans?"

"Anyway, it's not that long ago, and besides, don't you feel more relieved to replace Jaylah with me?" Matilda winked a pair of charming eyes to make herself look extra innocent.

Aimee, if you can't see what she has in mind, it's a waste of time.

She said, "Think about it, Jaylah's got a lot of fans."

This was previously confirmed when she was subjected to online violence.

Matilda laughed: "Aimee, do you think that I am not as beautiful as she is? Am I less capable than her? I can't be a fan?"

Aimee's mouth twitched, helpless at Matilda's words of such shame.

She said, "OK, OK, OK, I know, I'll get it done for you, OK?"

Matilda immediately became happy, hugged Aimee's neck, and kissed her hard.

She said, "Aimee , you really do love me the most, and I'm proud to have you as a sister."

Aimee sighed softly and thought it would be nice.

It's better to let her wreak havoc on Miles than to keep wreaking havoc on herself.

Matilda didn't know what Aimee was thinking, and she let go of Aimee before asking curiously, "Aimee, did you have someone else in mind?"

According to Aimee's plan, it is naturally impossible to let Jaylah finish this drama, and if there is a replacement behind the scenes, he should have already chosen someone.

Then, this is even halfway to cut yourself off.

Matilda doesn't feel any guilt, she knows how important she is in Aimee's heart, so she deserves it.

What made her even more curious was that she wanted to know who the person chosen by Aimee was.

There were not many people who could meet Aimee's eyes, and the fact that she had paved such a path behind her back made Matilda even more curious.

But she also had to find out first, that person, with their own fingertips, in the end will be enemies or friends.

Aimee said, "Eva Chandler."

"The little girl who almost got the part originally?" Matilda asks, with some surprise.

The one who is not Miles has been kicked out of the game, Aimee actually plans to help her.

That's interesting.

If it is true that the back of the arrangement Eva took the position, Miles until the matter or Aimee out, I do not know Miles will be angry into what kind.

Aimee said, "She is a little young, but she is very good looking and Francis has the ability to bring her up."


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