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Healing my disabled husband novel Chapter 111

Jaylah, since the previous incident, is honest for a few days, not to make trouble, peacefully filming, and not to go to Aimee or Mikayla trouble.

However, she did not do so because she was really honest, but because, after Charlie sent her to the hospital that day, he verbally reminded her to pay attention to her words and actions, after all, she was about to announce her cooperation with Indesit Jewelry, and her every word and action would affect the whole brand image of Indesit Jewelry. If she has any negative impact, Indesit Jewelry will not let her go, and the compensation she faces will be more than she can afford to pay.

Jaylah would not have taken Charlie's warning to heart.

She firmly believes that Charlie has taken an interest in her beauty, that they will have other relationships, and that Charlie will be on her side no matter what happens in the future.

But the humiliation that Aimee and Mikayla had brought her was something she could not forget, and she vowed to make them both look good.

Naive, she has been filming now, there is no way to find the right time.

Tia saw that Jaylah's face had been very bad, and finally could not help but say, "Jaylah, this is a very special time, you put your mind at ease."

"I'm not in a peaceful state of mind?" Jaylah wrinkled his brow in instant anger just because of Tia's words.

Seeing this, Tia said, "I mean, let's get past this and talk about it."

"You're just telling me to put up with it, Tia. You're not the one being bullied, and you're not the one being scolded on the Internet, so you can talk so easily." Jaylah's face was grim and he held back his anger so that he didn't curse at Tia.

Tia saw that it was impossible to talk to her, so she stopped talking.

Just then, Tia's cell phone rang.

She saw that the caller was Charlie and immediately answered, "Mr. Pugh, why are you calling at this time, is something wrong?"

Charlie's voice was still cold, but the news that came out made Tia very happy.

"Here's the thing, didn't we decide to have Miss Read wear our jewelry at the awards ceremony to announce our collaboration at that time," Charlie said, "but now we have decided to move the announcement up after a lot of consideration, so we're here to inform Miss Read, the launch is this afternoon, and we will send someone to pick up Miss Read in an hour."

Tia was caught off guard by the news and glanced at Jaylah, who was still angry, and said, "But Mr. Pugh, Jaylah is filming on the set right now, and today's scene is quite heavy, so we can't do it at short notice."

Even if they are fawning over Indesit Jewelry, they can't just do whatever they say, it's not appropriate.

Moreover, Francis is not a master to be messed with, so if I have to take time off to go there, Francis will not be able to explain.

Charlie's voice over there got a little colder and said, "Miss Simpson, the fact is I'm not here to discuss this matter with you, but to inform you, I don't know what gives you the illusion that you can say something like that with me, but you have to understand that since Jaylah wants this cooperation, you have to follow our requirements, and as for the rest, it is something that you should work out yourselves."

The implication is that there is no negotiation to be had.

After Tia hung up the phone, she quickly made a mental calculation of which side was more cost effective to offend.

The answer is self-explanatory.

Indesit Jewelry can raise Jaylah's value by more than one level, and in the future, she will be able to choose whatever kind of script she wants.

Francis side, the play has been shooting for so long, naturally there are other problems.


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