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Hell Hounds novel Chapter 42

The office was quiet as the small group filed in and settled into business. “Fine. Now what’s so important that it’ll change everything? What do you believe is true?” Gregory put his morning coffee on the desk. He reviewed the faces in the room.

“As asked. I started looking for supernatural creatures that exhibit the empathic traits. The list isn’t long. I found that there are patterns to the empathic traits. There’re records of Fae who could read and manipulate emotions. Or experiences and memories. But other than that. Nothing. Then I looked for records on twins and abilities. Gregory, Alpha. Chances are both have some skill. So, if the twins are together their abilities are whole and stronger. This happens. There’re records for it.”

“Wait. Fae? I don’t see any Fae features in them.”

“Well, the amount of Fae blood in them may be small. A distant ancestor’s all it takes. I’m sure if they were full blood Fae, they would be much stronger. Jaxon reads emotions and people’s intents through that. Hal, I suspect can influence emotions. He’s a natural mediator. Finding information and data to settle conflict and control a person’s viewpoint to further prevent that conflict. His computer skills developed to manipulate the situation and emotions of people involved follow suit. It’s how his power flows from him. We’re just lucky they aren’t liars and cheats. They would make perfect scam artists if they weren’t so honest.”

“But how does that benefit us? I’m sorry I’m not following you.”

“Fae magic doesn’t work on other Fae. Meaning if the blood is potent enough in them. Not only will they live longer. They have a chance of being immune to charms and magical attacks from Fae.”

Dead silence reigned for several minutes before Doctor Graves spoke up. “That’s why you wanted me here. If they agree. You want me to test them and find out if they display Fae DNA. I’m not sure I can. We don’t have any records of their DNA.”

“Yes, well that’s coming. We’ve kept a few preserved specimens. I just hope that the preservation hasn’t destroyed the DNA.”

“That is the issue. Human preservation of living tissues in formaldehyde destroys the DNA. Things caught in amber have a chance of being viable. We’ll see when it gets here. Whether the men will consent. When the specimens get here. We’ll find out for sure whether they’re useable.” Doctor Graves stood near a darkened window watching the others as he explained the complications that may occur.

“Once you find out. We can ask their permission. But you didn’t wait to do that on my mate. Why can’t you use a sample you took earlier?”

“I didn’t take any extra blood. I took enough to make sure they’re healthy. We used all the samples. There’s nothing left of them.” Various heads nodded. It made sense to them now.

“When will the samples get here?”

“We’ve a portal arranged for later this morning. I’ll have them take the samples directly to Doctor Graves. They can help with any research he may need if any questions crop up.”

“Good. That would change everything. But we need to confirm the DNA. Then find out if they’re in fact immune to the magic. I won’t let anyone go on a one-way mission. Do we have any information on their biological parentage?”

“Hal admitted that he’s been looking for years for his biological parents. But the names they gave him amounted to nothing. No one with that name during that time-period. He’s sent off his DNA to some companies that use it to build family trees. No luck there either. They always claimed that his DNA sample was not viable.”

“Well, if it has Fae DNA in it of course it would not appear within normal parameters of acceptable human DNA.”

“Fine verify that you can test. Then we’ll talk to them about all this. It’s unbelievable and I can’t see them putting themselves in danger. There’s no way of knowing until they’re attacked whether they are immune or not. I’m hesitant to bring any plan foreword that would have them as a lynchpin.” Gregory watched drank his coffee and watched the sky lighten outside. “I don’t care I want people patrolling the local area. People on the phones. Dealing with email, and all types of media. We’ll offer protection here for those that need the safety. Petrols of the dream realm. I don’t want these creatures just popping in on us. Get me something to work with before these creatures stumble upon unsuspecting humans.”

“We’re on it.”


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