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Her Dark Lycan novel Chapter 35

Venus woke up to blinding white lights, white walls, a hospital bed and a very very fuming Dante who was watching her like a hawk, ready to pounce her, the pack doctor standing right beside him giving Venus sheepish smile.

'w-what happened?' venus asked, her throat parched

silently dante walked towards her, filled up a cup with water and had her drink it, the pack doctor cleared his throat and looked up at venus smiling,

'congratulations luna, you're pregnant,'


silence so loud venus could hear her heart beating wildly out of her chest, blood roaring in her ears,

'how long-'

'youre almost over a month pregnant now,' the pack doctor replied, sensing his alphas heated gaze which he couldn't meet he excused himself, saying he had to bring some tests back from the lab.

heavy eerie silence enveloped the room and venus could have sworn that the door Dante was glaring at would catch fire any second, or he would glare a hole through it.

'say something,' Venus whispered meekly

Dante closed his eyes and inhaled a deep breath, trying to keep himself in check, she was in a fragile state and he didn't want to risk startling her or causing her distress,

'what do you want me to say,' he said, his voice a dangerous calm that sent shivers down venus's spine, he was sitting next to her on the hospital bed bed, his back to her, arms braced on his knees, his silence was so deafening venus could practically hear all the voices in her head, the good and bad ones, where she was finally happy she could have a baby but feared what would happen on the journey to have one.

Gently placing both her arms around his waist, venus hugged him from the back, placing her head on his shoulder as tears welled up in her eyes and heedlessly started running down her face, and he felt wetness on his shirt, sighing he turned around and pulled her to him, settling her in his lap as she straddled him, venus hid her face into the crook of his neck and cried, she cried for the happiness she wasn't able to celebrate and the uncertain future she would have,

'shush sweetheart don't cry, its not good for the baby for you to be upset like this,' Dante cajoled, rubbing her back soothingly,

hearing about the baby made her cries double and she eliminated all space between herself and her mate and clung to him like her life depended on it, after a while when her cries subsided she raised bloodshot doe eyes to her mate, her small nose tinged red at the tip and her eyes swollen from all her crying,

'd-dante i don't care what happens but I'm not doing a-anything to the baby, its our pup I'm not ever getting r-rid of it,' Venus stuttered, trying to keep her voice strong, the thought of aborting her pup made her sick to the stomach,

Dantes eyes darkened and his jaw twitched warningly,

'i am not a monster that id demand of you to abort our pup Venus, the odds are against us but we have time to sit and discuss what to do next but theres no fucking way i am losing you,' dante growled out angrily, hurt that she would even think that he'd be so cruel as to rip something so pure away from her in an instant.

Venus hiccupped and nodded at him, placing her head on his chest she let her eyes droop as she fell into a dreamless sleep.

A few hours later when they were back at their house Dante had called upon the pack doctor, healer, an elder and his close friends, with Venus beside him looking pale as death from all the stress she had been taking it was a blessing Sophia and James were with her else she would have gone insane,

Knox had given Venus a soft smile and patted her head, telling her it would be okay, as they all sat in the dining room, Dante had broken the news of her pregnancy to the occupants to the room who gushed out in cheers over their alphas first borns awaited arrival but then they settled into dark silence when the situation at hand settled down on them, Venus sat beside Dante who was was comforting her by gently rubbing her hip and James was on her other side,

'i think we all know that lycan pregnancies to a mere werewolf are not enough, venus does have alpha blood coursing through her but thats not enough, even our former luna, dante's mother had alpha blood but she wasnt-she couldnt-' the healer cut off, not able to finish her sentence about the death of their former luna, it wasnt only tragic it was painful the way she died.

'healer Edna, have you gone over all the prophecies?' elder Brahms asked, the healer nodded lost in thought over the situation.

chapter 35 1

chapter 35 2


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