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Her Dark Lycan novel Chapter 40

9 years later

'oh for goodness sake Knox,' Sophia grumbled angrily, watching her mate stalk an 11 year old boy who had given their daughter Grace a rose from the gardens,

'try Dante,' Venus scoffed, remembering how her mate had growled at a boy who called Athena pretty and complimented her dress, she remembered how she had to pull her mate to the side and give him a full scolding for being so over protective,

'at least you have one girl, i have two and a possessive crazy beta wolf to deal with,' sophia grounded, the couple now had another 3 year old baby girl, she was the exact replica of her father but her features were soft, Nina, as Knox insisted they name her also had her fathers characteristics,

'where are they now,' Venus murmured, they were all out in the gardens, having a little picnic, their mates and kids had wandered off somewhere playing hide and seek, James and Gabriel said they would join them in a while because they had some work to do.

'wow vee you've worked up an appetite today,' Sophia giggled, watching her best friend her 3rd cookie, Venus laughed and blushed, slowly chewing while she was lost in thought,

should i tell her now? she thought,

clearing her throat she faced Sophia who was sipping on her orange juice, and she sucked in a deep breath,

'im pregnant,' Venus blurted out, Sophia's eyes widened and she sputtered out her orange juice in a very un-lady like manner,

'YOURE WHAT,' she screeched, her sea blue eyes wide as saucers. Venus gave her a sheepish 'oops it just happened' smile,

'does Dante know?'


'when will you tell him,'


'whens soon,'



'tell me what?' a deep voice asked, Venus and Sophia whipped their heads back to see Dante behind them, Athena next to him with a frees-bee in hand while Abel was running towards them a little distance away with Grace and Knox.

'n-nothing,' Venus stuttered, squirming under her mates hot gaze that clearly said this isn't over you will tell me soon, Venus turned to glare at her friend who also smiled at her cheekily and blew her a kiss, Venus was about to give her an ear full when James and Gabriel showed up.

They all sat around on the picnic sheet, munching away on their food and chatting, sophia leaned closer to James and told him something that had his mouth agape as he stared directly at Venus, as a second later he mouthed 'you're pregnant?' to her. Venus face palmed and turned her attention to her mate who was staring down at her with so much love she thought she'd melt,

'lets take a walk,' she whispered to him, gently holding his hand as they walked away from the others,

'wheres mum going,' Athena asked her brother while munching on her apple, Abel shrugged and continued to chat with Gabriel about their neighbouring packs.

Abel at the age of 9 was the exact replica of his father, he had a shaped nose, a chiseled jaw with high and wide cheekbones and full firm lips, his skin tan from all the days he spent out in the sun from the sports and activities he'd play outdoors, he was a quiet kid, from a young age he was into all the pack business, he excelled at school and everyone knew that there was maturity beyond his age in his bright hazel eyes, his hair was dark in colour in likeness to his fathers with thick shaped brows, he was also the tallest in class, Venus sometimes feared he'd grow too tall and Dante would have to explain to her that even he had fast growth at Abels age, the lycan genes would show every now and then.

Athena was the exact opposite from her brother from a young age, they were not identical twins, she was outgoing and confident, she was also her fathers shadow, where ever Dante was Athena was always near by, she had her fathers hetero-chromia trait, her right eye was blue and her left was green, a small button nose, full pink lips, high cheekbones, her hair was also dark in likeness to her fathers and she had delicate winged brows, Athena was spoiled by her father while Abel had his mothers attention, shed usually get scolded by her brother for being too overbearing but she cared not, she did although have her mothers courage and grace and definitely her fathers temper.

'wheres jack, uncle James,' Athena asked

'he had gone to a friends house love he did say he was going to meet you and the other tomorrow,' James said, buttering his toast.

Gabriel and James had adopted Jack, he was a wonderful boy, he was 11 now and the eldest out of all the kids, with electric blue eyes and pitch black hair, James knew his son would be a heartbreaker when he grew up, in the beginning it was hard for him to adapt to everything but a few months later everything was okay, Gabriel was the best father to him, and James gave him so much love that everyone knew jack couldn't have found a better home.

James was even realised that Athena may have a little crush on Jack, lord forbid Dante found out the man would kill everyone in sight.

'tell me, what were u hiding,' Dante murmured, lifting his lips off his mate who he had decided to thoroughly ravish after they were out of everyones eye shot,

Chapter 40: epilogue 1


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