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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 31

Chapter 31 Becoming His Private Doctor 

Bethany's medical accident caused a sensation. Even if she was Raymond’s woman, Mr. Hoover could not cover it up. Consequently, he deducted Bethany's bonus for the whole year and circulated a notice of criticism to her publicly. Moreover, Bethany had to pay half of the compensation to the patient’s family. 

"Mr. Hoover, I’m sorry for making trouble for the hospital." After crying her eyes out before, Bethany went to the hospital to see Mr. Hoover instead of keeping staying hidden in depression. 

Mr. Hoover pulled a long face as well. Since Bethany began working at the hospital, it seemed that all kinds of problems ensued. 

"You should have already known the punishments. I know you did that as a doctor, but rules are rules." 

"I know. I am willing to accept any punishment. As for the compensation, I will find a way to return it to the hospital as soon as possible." 

Finally, the hospital needed to compensate the patient’s family 150,000 dollars, so it meant Bethany had to give 75,000 dollars, which made her situation worse. However, she could do nothing but accept it, to her surprise… 

"Mr. Zavala has already settled all the compensation." 


Was this man so kind? Was it… true? 

"Your mood must also be affected by such an accident. You’re allowed to have a few days off. Come back to work when you are emotionally stable." 

"OK, thank you, Mr. Hoover." 

Bethany walked out of the hospital dejectedly. Raymond secretly paying the compensation for her took her by surprise. 

However, she didn’t think he did that out of kindness. She decided to get it straight and made a beeline for Raymond’s company. 

After getting there, she was told that Raymond was meeting with an important client. Bethany had no choice but to wait in the reception room for the entire morning. 

Finally, her patience ran thin, so she made up her mind to ask Raymond’s assistant, Morgan Cooper, outside the office. Unexpectedly, right when she arrived at the office door, the door was suddenly opened. 

Raymond was the first to step out. Next to him was the important client whom Morgan mentioned. Seeing them, Morgan respectfully uttered, "Mr. Zavala, Mr. Wilson." 

Morgan’s greeting naturally attracted others’ eyes. It seemed that everyone’s gaze fell on Bethany, which made her awkward to the core. 

"Mr. Zavala, is this pretty girl a staff in your company, too?" The female employees in Zavala Group were all in suits, but she was not. That was why Erick Wilson would ask out of curiosity. 

"Nope, she's my fiancee, Bethany Caldwell," Raymond said naturally. 

Bethany felt so… 

"So she turns out to be the future Mrs. Zavala. Sure enough, she indeed has a distinctive temperament and looks gorgeous." 

"I’m flattered, Mr. Wilson." Bethany smiled shyly. 

"Now that Mr. Zavala's fiancee is here, I won’t impose myself on you any longer," Erick said knowingly. 

Morgan was clever enough to walk Erick out hurriedly. After all the others left, Raymond looked at her. Bethany dropped her head slightly and uttered, "I hope I didn’t affect your work by coming here without notice." 

Hearing her words, Raymond snorted lightly and said in a sarcastic tone, "Why are you so polite now? You’re completely different from what you were a few days ago." 

With that being said, Raymond turned and went back to his office. Bethany, who followed in his wake, scolded silently to herself, "He is so arrogant all because of his wealth and power. 

"Had it not been for him paying 75,000 dollars for me, I wouldn’t have to be so humble!" 

"Mr. Hoover told me that you had paid the compensation for me?” Before getting a reply from the man, Bethany immediately added, "Don't worry, I'll give you an IOU. I'll return it to you." 

Raymond still kept silent. He leaned against the window and looked at her while leisurely drinking coffee. Bethany walked to his desk and wrote an IOU on a piece of note paper with his pen. 


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