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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 47

Chapter 47 She Suffered from Cyberbullying Again

Bethany didn't say anything for the next few hours. It was her first time feeling tired of breathing. To be more precise, even breathing tormented her.

"Bethany, the doctor said you didn't lose your memory, and your hearing and intelligence were not affected either, so your brain injury is not that serious. As long as you listen to the doctors, there will be no sequelae."

Bethany remained wordless.

"The saying goes, 'Good fortune has its roots in disaster.' After the accident, everything will go smoothly with you." Raymond said so because he really had no idea how to comfort her.

Hearing what he said, Bethany smiled self-mockingly. Good fortune had its roots in disaster?

In the past, she almost died in the delivery room, and it took her so many years to recover. How long would it take this time?

People were always depressed when they were sick, and so was Bethany at the moment. Just when she felt distressed, something occurred to her. She asked in a hurry, "Where are my kids?"

She was so powerless, and her voice was throaty.

"Don't worry, I told Shayla that I took you on a trip and wouldn't come back for half a month."

She felt relieved to hear what he said. If her kids knew what had happened to her, they would be worried sick.

"Just listen to the doctors with the treatment. Don't worry about anything else."

Bethany nodded. She had to be strong for the sake of Tyrone and Shayla.

"My phone..." Bethany didn't have the strength to make a phone call with them right now, but she could send them a message.

"Your phone is powered off. Why don't you use mine? Who are you going to call? I can help you with that."

Send a message to the kids with his cell phone?

"It's fine... As long as they don't think it's weird... Thank you."

Bethany's words even made Raymond feel guiltier. Just like what Nolan said, those who had a sudden disaster tended to be moody and have a short fuse.

He really wanted Bethany to be the same as she used to be, holding him responsible for the car accident for keeping pushing her.

Nonetheless, Bethany did not mention it at all. Right now, Raymond was holding his mobile phone and glanced at the push news.

[The unscrupulous female doctor was exposed at Humanity Hospital and has been in a coma since the car accident.]

Raymond was taken aback by the news. Since the car accident, he had been looking after Bethany in the hospital. How did these media outlets know?

Raymond hurriedly looked towards Bethany. Seeing that she had closed her eyes again, he clicked open the news.

The comments below the news were unbearable.

"Awesome! She killed someone before, and now what goes around comes around! I hope she never wakes up. Just go to hell!"

"For god's sake, she has a taste of her own medicine now. She deserves it. Don't let her live and continue to harm innocent patients."

"I don't advocate cyberbullying, but for such a villain, I must force myself to do it. Give me a thumbs-up if you also want her to die tonight!"


There were numerous comments like these. In fact, Bethany had been cyberbullied by many comments online because of the medical accident before.

However, the truth was that Bethany had wanted to save the patient so badly, but what was written online was that in order to earn money from the patient, she forced surgery on the patient regardless of his family's opposition, which eventually led to the patient's death.


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