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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 67

Chapter 067 Raymond Has Found Something

Raymond arrived at the villa and saw Tyrone still sitting on the sofa with an angry expression on his face.

"28 minutes and 30 seconds have passed since I called you, "Tyrone said reproachfully as Raymond walked in." Do you want to starve me?"

"Sorry, Damion, there was a traffic jam on the way. Daddy will cook for you right away."

Raymond quickly went to change clothes and then walked into the kitchen.

Damion used to be cold and difficult to get along with, but later became lively. But since learning about Bethany's car accident, he had become even colder than before, which really gave Raymond a headache!

"Okay, Damion, just eat," Raymond said to Tyrone as he placed the meal on the table.

"I'm too hungry to eat anything," Tyrone said as he picked up his backpack and went upstairs. "You eat alone. I'll go do my homework."

Raymond was angry about this but still followed Tyrone upstairs.

Tyrone just sat down at the desk and took out his books. Raymond suddenly pressed the books on the table.

"What?" Tyrone looked up at him unhappily. "Are you not letting me do my homework? If the teacher calls you tomorrow, don't blame me."

"Damion, are you making trouble for me?" Raymond pulled over the bench and sat down next to him. He tried to communicate with him patiently. "What are you angry about me? Speak it up. Don't go into a sulk."

"I'm not angry." Tyrone took his homework book back and began to write. "You've been thinking too much. You're such a wealthy, influential dad who even cooks for me in person. Why am I being angry with you?"

Raymond had nothing to say.

"Do your homework well," Raymond said and walked out.

After leaving Tyrone's study, Raymond lost his appetite and went to his study.

He opened his laptop and went through the information of the remaining three companies of the bidding competition. After each comparison, he found the advantages of Ocean International Company more clearly.

"Speaking of that, since Gavin was capable of winning this project on his own, why did he return home so early and try so hard to meet me?" Raymond wondered.

Gavin pretended as if he didn't have the strength to win the bid and had to get in by the back door. Raymond really couldn't figure out the reason.

Raymond had stayed up all night last night and felt really sleepy now. When he was closing his laptop, he suddenly saw a website on the webpage.

Today, he saw Bethany treating people online on this website, so Raymond opened the website and saw Bethany's photo on the homepage as expected.

He clicked on the photo and saw Bethany's medical profile. Raymond roughly looked through it and found that her profile was indeed excellent.

After a while, Raymond clicked on the inquiry dialog box, and the system informed him that there were ten people in front of him.

"She was really popular." Raymond was surprised.

Raymond picked up a book from the bookshelf and read it carefully until the message sound came.

"I am Bethany, a general surgeon at Humanity Hospital. May I ask where you are feeling unwell?"

Seeing this sentence, Raymond couldn't help but smile, feeling it was interesting.

Raymond thought for a moment and typed on the keyboard. "I've been feeling chest tightness and shortness of breath lately. I feel weak all over and feel like I'm dying. I have insomnia too."

He sent the message and then laughed because he never expected that he would talk such nonsense.

"May I ask if you have had any previous illnesses or any major stimuli?" Bethany asked as the symptoms he described were like depression.


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