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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 73

Chapter 73 You Look Beautiful

In the past many years, this thought had never appeared in Raymond's mind.

But now there was a person who looked so just like Damion that his mother couldn't tell apart. So Raymond had to think about it.

"I was just wondering if there was such a possibility," Raymond said lightly.

"There is no possibility at all!" Nolan said firmly, "If your guess is correct, Aria shouldn't be Damion's biological mother, which means my parents, my sister, and your mother cheated on you together. Do you think it's possible? Let me analyze it little by little. Firstly, let's talk about your mother. You should know your mother's character best, right? Your mother values the hierarchy and family reputation more than her own life. Therefore, if she wants to find a woman to have a baby with you, she will definitely find a woman with a good family background, good looks, high education, high IQ, and good genes. But those who meet these requirements can only be the daughters of prestigious families. However, if the woman from a prestigious family didn't love you, do you think she would have a baby with a vegetable like you and then left silently without the child after giving birth? Alright, secondly, even if your mother really found such a woman, who not only had your baby but also left him for the Zavala family, do you think Aria would be willing to be the scapegoat? Finally, even though Aria is a hopeless romantic, what about my father? You know, Aria is the apple of his eye. How could he let his dear daughter do such?"

Of course, Raymond had thought about earlier what Nolan said. Indeed, it didn't make sense, but there were really two identical children.

The impossible happened, and he didn't believe in such a coincidence.

"No amount of analysis is useless. A DNA test is enough." Raymond said.

"What? Are you going to do a DNA test?" Nolan was really frightened. "With whom? You and Damion? Or Damion and Aria?"

"I never doubt that Damion isn't my son." Raymond firmly believed in this. "I don't need to do a DNA test with Damion. He must be my son!"

"That means you want Damion and Aria to do a DNA test?" Nolan was so helpless that he was about to cry. "Mr. Zavala, don't act on impulse. You know, once you do this, no matter what the result is, it will make them sad and even affect the relationship between our two families."

"If it proves that my guess is correct, I should be the one who is sad," Raymond said coldly.

After hearing this, Nolan was speechless and nodded repeatedly. "Yes, yes, what you said is right, but I still think that the possibility of your guess is almost zero, but if you insist on testing, I can't stop you. But please don't do it now. My mother is in bad health now. Please put it aside for my sake."

"What's wrong with Auntie?" Raymond asked hastily.

"Just a few days ago, she kept saying that she had a stomachache, so I took her to the hospital for an examination. The result at that time was that the inflammation was severe, and it was enough to take some medicine. We were relieved. However, after she took the medicine for a few days, the symptoms didn't resolve at all and it hurt more. Then I took my mother's film to several experts. One of the experts suspected that it might be cancer, but he wasn't sure. So further intensive examination was needed. Now I'm very worried. I'm wondering what excuse I can give my mother to take her to the hospital for another examination in the absence of her doubt."

"You're also a doctor, so you can't tell the difference between inflammation and cancer?" Raymond said reproachfully.

"You know, some people specialize in some professions while others in other professions. I'm a psychiatrist. Those professional doctors can't tell the difference, let alone me," Nolan said.

"Since there is a possibility, then hurry up and take her for an examination, and don't miss the best time for treatment."

"Of course, I know that." Nolan breathed lightly and said, "But the expert only suspects that there is a possibility. Many doctors didn't tell it, so I think it might be a false alarm."

"It's best to be a false alarm."

A false alarm?

As to Raymond's guess, Nolan didn't know whether it was better to be a false alarm or not.

After going out for lunch with Nolan, Raymond returned to the company, and Morgan handed him the drafted contract.

"Mr. Zavala, take a look at it."

Raymond glanced over the contract and felt that there was nothing wrong with it. Seeing that he had closed the contract, Morgan hurriedly reported, "Mr. Zavala, Mr. Tucker said that he had time to meet you anytime. It's up to you."


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