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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 87

Chapter 87 Tyrone or Damion?

Tyrone's words upset Raymond so much that the latter felt humiliated the next day.

Was Bethany the woman he could not obtain? It was ridiculous! Raymond believed he could get any woman he wanted.

He subconsciously grabbed his phone to call her but soon put it down. When he was hesitating, his phone suddenly rang. So, he picked it up.

Although the call wasn't from Bethany, he was happy to see Shayla's name on the screen and quickly answered it, saying, "Hello, Shayla."


Shayla's sweet voice on the phone melted his heart.

"Why are you calling me Daddy?"

Raymond was happy to hear her call him daddy. She used to call him like this but had changed to call him Uncle Raymond later.

Shayla replied, "You are going to marry Beth soon. I changed the address in advance to help you get used to it."

"Who says I will marry her soon?"

Shayla was startled and said, "Aren't you marrying her? You send her a house and an expensive watch. Why did you spend so much money on her if you don't want to marry her? Are you a fool?"


A watch? After Bethany had rejected the watch, he had thrown it away.

"What watch?"

"Are you demented? You gave Beth a watch with her name engraved on it on her birthday. I saw it! And she admitted it was from you."

Raymond was stunned but quickly realized she had picked it from the trash can when delivering the food to him.

What a stubborn woman! She had refused the watch when he had sent it to her. But after he had dumped it, she had picked it up.

"Well, I did give her the watch as a gift. Does she like it?"

"Yes. Otherwise, she would not have put it on the bedside table."

Then, Shayla anxiously said, "You haven't told me whether you will marry her! You adults are indecisive."

Raymond replied, "We will get married at the right time. Didn't you go to the countryside to experience life? Did you come back ahead of time?"

"Yes, I came back yesterday," she honestly said.

Hearing this, he suddenly thought of something and quickly asked, "What about your brother? Did he come back too?"

"Yeah! We went there and came back together."

He had heard Tyrone looked the same as Damion but had never seen him. So, he was so curious that he could not wait to meet him. He wanted to confirm whether it was a rumor.

"Shayla, didn't you go to school today? Why do you have time to call me?"

"I am at school now. Our school held an activity today, and it ended. Parents can pick their children up now. Those who don't want to go home can stay at school and wait for their parents to pick them up at the usual school close time."


Raymond quickly said, "I'll pick you and Tyrone up. But it is a secret between us. Don't tell anyone about it."

"Are you planning to secretly please me and Tyrone?"


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