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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 89

Chapter 89 Raymond's Kiss

Bethany couldn't believe her eyes when seeing them. They looked as harmonious as a real family. And there was no feeling of strangeness.

"Beth, you came in time. Tyrone and I just had afternoon tea with Daddy. We will have dinner together later."

Bethany was shocked to hear Shayla call Raymond Daddy, so she asked, "What did you call him? Daddy?"

Damion hurriedly explained, "Beth, don't be angry. Shayla said you two would get married soon, so we should call him Daddy to get used to it in advance."

Hearing this, Bethany wished she could hit Shayla's head off.

"Why did you talk such nonsense, Shayla?"

Shayla retorted, "I did not talk nonsense. Adults are not as honest as children! It's OK if you get married. There is no need to hide it from us."

Before Bethany could reply, Raymond interrupted, "Shayla is right. We, adults, do need to reflect on our behaviors."

When the three people echoed each other, Bethany felt like an outsider.

When it was time for dinner, Raymond took them to a villa with a particularly good environment.

They had the meal in a pavilion between a mountain and a river. The murmuring running water was at their feet, and the willows were hanging down the bank behind them. They could hear kingfishers singing and enjoy the beautiful green mountain in the distance. So, it was pleasant.

Shayla happily exclaimed, "The place is beautiful. Daddy, Beth, you should have your honeymoon here."

Damion said, "You should travel around the world on your honeymoon. It would be too perfunctory to spend your honeymoon here. Beth, you must not agree!"

Shayla quickly agreed, "Yes! You should travel around the world."

When Bethany was about to say something, Raymond immediately gave her a wink, implying that she should not dampen the children's spirits. So, she could only swallow back the words on the tip of her tongue.

During the meal, the two kids kept calling Raymond Daddy. Bethany was helpless, thinking they liked him because of his wealth.

Seeing the two kids almost finish eating, Raymond said, "Tyrone, there is a children's playground in the villa. Take Shayla to play after you finish eating."

Shayla said, "Daddy, I understand! You don't want us to disturb your date. I'm full. Tyrone, let's go."


Damion always spoiled Shayla and hoped his father and Beth would get married. So, when there was an opportunity to let them be alone with each other, he actively cooperated.

Bethany had been holding back her anger for a long time. After the kids ran away, she couldn't help asking, "What did you do to fascinate my children? How could you ask them to call you Daddy? They should not have called you Daddy!"

"Shayla thinks they need to get used to it in advance. And I can never refuse to have such a lovely daughter," Raymond leisurely replied.

"If you hadn't misled her, she would not have said we would get married."

Hearing this, Raymond laughed. Bethany was confused about it, so she asked, "Why are you laughing?"

Raymond directly said, "Dr. Caldwell, how could you blame your victim? If Shayla hadn't seen the watch I sent to you on your bedside table, she wouldn't have thought we would get married."

Hearing him mention the watch, Bethany blushed and felt so embarrassed that she wished she could sink into the ground. She had not expected the little brats to betray her so soon.

When she felt her face burning, Raymond suddenly approached her. Under his intense gaze, she blushed even more.

"I didn't wrong you when saying you were hypocritical. You said so much to refuse it when I gave it to you. But after I threw it into the trash can, you picked it up!"


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