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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 94

Chapter 94 Truth about the DNA Test

The photos were secretly taken by Karter and were images of Bethany, Damion, and Shayla getting out of Raymond's car this morning.

"These... Did Raymond know about this?" Aria's voice was trembling when she asked the question.

"Not yet."

"He's seen Bethany's two kids and knows that Damion looked the same as Bethany's son. How could it be possible that he doesn't doubt about it?"

"What can he do even if he learns about the truth?" Karter asked calmly.

"Dad, are you doited? We will get into big trouble if he learns about the truth. And his mother... that old witch... she will definitely get crazy."

Aria felt it horrifying just at the thought of it. That old witch would definitely tear her apart!

"Even if she gets crazy, it's the bitter fruit of her own evildoings," Karter said slowly, "You were engaged with Raymond at that time, but she found the other woman to deliver children for him behind our back. She has to bear it no matter what the consequence is."

"I won't care about what that old witch will suffer. It's just that I'm afraid..." Aria paused and warily walked to the door and looked outside. After making sure that no one would hear their conversation, she lowered her voice and continued, "I'm afraid that they'll know that it was me who birded the doctor and tampered with the result of the DNA test. If Raymond learns about this, he won't let me go easily."

At that time, Raymond remained unconscious for nearly three years and Aria almost gave up on him. However, she then learned from the doctor that he showed signs of waking up.

Aria was overjoyed when she learned this. However, at that time, she also got another piece of news from the doctor, that was, Gina had secretly found a woman to give birth to his children and that woman was pregnant with triplets and would deliver soon.

"Dad, that old witch has found the other woman to give birth to Raymond's children and that woman is going to deliver soon. What should we do?"

Aria complained to Karter tearfully after learning about this and even threatened to commit suicide.

"She has triplets! Raymond should wake up when the kids are delivered. At that time, she will be his legal wife. Then what about me? What should I do?"

Karter was also indignant when he learned about this news. But he felt distressed for his daughter more, so, he persuaded her, "That old witch has actually resorted to such a means to give the Zavala family an heir. Aria, since that's the case, we should just cancel the engagement. There're many good men in this world and we don't have to..."

"No!" Aria cried more sadly as she said, "I'd been loving Raymond since childhood and he's the only one I want to marry. If I knew he would wake up one day earlier, I would have given birth to his child. Who knows... Anyway, I've waited for him for so many years and he's finally going to wake up. How will I watch him marrying the other woman without doing anything? I won't! And I would rather die if I can't marry Raymond!"

Aria meant it. She would rather die if she couldn't marry Raymond. And this gave Karter a headache.

"You also said that that woman was going to deliver. What can you do with it?"

"Dad, please help me," Aria begged Karter, tears streaming down her face. "I know you have means. Please drive that woman away. Raymond is mine! He can only marry me! Dad, I will die right before you if you refuse to help me!"

"Stop crying. Leave this matter to me." In the end, Karter agreed to help her.

He secretly instigated Gina to have a DNA test in case those were not Raymond's children and then birded the doctor to tamper with the result.

Originally, he thought it would be enough as long as they could make that old witch believe that the babies in that woman's belly were not the descendants of the Zavala family and drive that woman away. However...

"She's dead?' Aria was also startled when she got this news. "That woman and two of her babies died?"

Chapter 94 Truth about the DNA Test 1

Chapter 94 Truth about the DNA Test 2


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