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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 96

Daenerys looked at Penny with anger in her eyes. Winnie was afraid of worsening the situation, so she pulled Daenerys's clothes to let her calm down under the table.

"There were so many admirers, but she didn't accept any of them. Did she do so because she was arrogant?"

Penny met Daenerys's gaze with a sneer.

"Right. What kind of husband do you marry to, our goddess? He should be even more outstanding than Brian. Why not show him off?"

The man who just proved Penny's identity said.

Winnie was stunned at first. Obviously, this man was attacking her for Penny.

She smiled and said openly.

"I divorced him. There is nothing to be showed off."

Hearing this, everyone sighed. Even Daenerys didn't expect that Winnie would "tell them the truth".

"Getting divorced is nothing to be ashamed of. Just don't be the other woman."

Penny found a chance and directly scolded Winnie, making her feel embarrassed.

Instantly, everyone settled down and gazed at Winnie. Winnie was speechless.

What could she say? Wasn't she the other woman now?

Although Brian said that they were not married and that he had no wife, many people knew and acknowledged that Penny was Mrs. Bennet.

Under such circumstances, she could only bring shame on herself if she explained.

"Who did you call the other woman?"

Goaded beyond endurance, Daenerys asked in anger.

"Winnie. I say, Winnie is the other woman."

Penny found a way to vent and lost control of herself.

"Since everyone is here today, you can judge if Winnie is the other woman."

"It’s been four years since she left here, now she came back and worked in my husband's company. Then she approached my son and enticed my husband into living with her. Isn't she the other woman?"

Forgetting her image and position, Penny shouted loudly. She looked like a monster with her ferocious face and teeth.

"Winnie, let me tell you. You had bullied me when we were in college. You trampled on other people's dignity wantonly just because you were from a rich family and looked somewhat beautiful. Do you know how many people you had hurt? I, Penny, is one of them. You trampled down my self-esteem..."

Penny was out of control and said both what she should say and what she shouldn't say. She had lost control of herself and went on speaking just like a stock market crashing.

However, she was interrupted by Daenerys when she was most emotional.

"Shut up, Penny. Do you know that you'll be punished by god if you speak against your conscience? With all classmates here, you can ask them to recall and see if Winwin had treated you not kindly enough once. When you were bullied, she protected you. When you couldn't pay your tuition fees, Winwin paid it for you. When your mother was ill, she gave you her scholarship so that you could take your mother to the hospital. She even gave you her opportunity to be a state-funded student studying abroad just for your damn self-esteem!"

"She had helped you so much. You should be grateful to her. I never expect that you'll blame her. You're an ingrate!"

Daenerys pointed out that Penny was standing truth on her head. She hated to see Penny being ungrateful. And she couldn't bear to see Winnie being hurt.

"Daenerys, you should tell lies in a reasonable way. Winnie majored in Computer Science while I was a law student. How is it possible that she gave me her opportunity to receive a government-sponsored oversea education? You must be kidding me. It's obvious that what you said is out of thin air."

Penny smiled contemptuously. She had never heard of this. Daenerys must have invented it to redeem Winnie.

"Kidding? You can ask them if it's true. Penny, don't forget that Winwin took law as an elective course at that time. Otherwise, she wouldn't get to know you, an ungrateful villain."

"It was ironic, but it was true that you, a law student, was not as good as Winwin who just took law as an elective course. Everyone here knew that Winwin gave you her chance to receive a government-sponsored oversea education."

Daenerys was brutally frank and told her what had happened in the past.

Penny looked at everyone in disbelief, but they all looked away and didn't say that what Daenerys said was not true. Even the two men who proved her identity kept silent.

Everyone stayed silent and couldn't say anything because they all knew that what Daenerys said was true.

"Penny, stop. I don't know if Winnie is the other woman. However, it is well known that Winwin treated you kindly when we were in college. Everyone knew it clearly. She always protected you; she took care of your sick mother for you; she paid tuition fees for you; she even carried you to school when you twisted your ankle. You can't deny any of these things. Now, I still have a photo taken when she carried you into the classroom. It's a lie that you said Winwin bullied you at that time."

Finally, a woman couldn't bear to watch this anymore, so she said a few words fairly and narrated what had happened in the past in general. Then, more and more people whispered.

Penny looked at Winnie in consternation. Why didn't she know it? Why was she treated as a fool again? She had intended to win back her dignity here today. Why did she lose more?

Now she had a status higher than them, so it was difficult for her to accept such a thing that harmed her self-esteem. She thought that she was humiliated.

"Winnie, we can find another chance to talk about something happened in the past. Now, I just ask you if you've seduced my husband and slept with him."

Penny was very embarrassed at this moment. To turn the tables, she could only talk about if Winnie was the other woman.


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