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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 750

“Ally doesn’t eat fatty meat, Damian. Did you forget because you’re so occupied?” Liam’s smile faded, his words laced with sarcasm.

Damian didn’t respond as he gazed at Alice.

To Liam’s surprise, when he turned to look again, the fatty meat in front of Alice had vanished.

Seeing her chewing, he froze. “You ate it?”

“I can manage it somehow.” Alice nodded, chewing with effort.

After chewing, she felt nauseous in her stomach. But with so many people around, she couldn’t exactly throw up, so she swallowed with difficulty.

Alice swiftly left the dining table after eating, using the excuse of getting some fresh air to dispel the nauseating feeling in her stomach.

Liam grinned and was about to follow, but Ethan discreetly held him back, claiming to have something to discuss.

Eventually, as Alice went out alone, Liam glared at Ethan. “Why did you stop me? It’s not safe for her to go out alone this late.”

Ethan smirked, briefly casting his gaze toward Alice’s departing figure, then retracting it. “No need to worry. She won’t be in danger.”

Alice wandered around outside for a while until the sick feeling in her throat subsided.

“Why force yourself to eat fatty meat when you can’t?” A sudden voice startled Alice, nearly making her stumble into the pond.

“D-Damian… Why are you out here?” Alice steadied herself and inquired.

“Nothing. Just taking a stroll.” Damian’s voice was detached as he glanced at her. “You still haven’t answered my question. Why eat fatty meat if you can’t stomach it?”

He was the one who had given it to me, right?

Baffled, Alice couldn’t bring herself to ask, so she just mumbled a vague agreement.

“Cat got your tongue?”

“You gave it to me,” Alice replied, her voice laden with grievance. Strangely, when Damian heard this, his lips curled into a contented smile.

“You ate it just because I was the one who gave it to you?”

She felt wronged. Is he teasing me?

“Well, I won’t eat it next time.”

His expression turned cold. “Why?”

“F-Fatty meat really doesn’t taste good. I-I almost threw up just now…” Alice explained with an awkward stammer, her words jumbled due to nervousness.


Moonlight streamed down the clouds and enveloped them silently.

Startled, Alice looked up and locked eyes with Damian, her heart racing. “What’s wrong?”

“Isn’t the interaction between us quite peculiar?” he asked, a touch of weariness in his tone.

Alice didn’t want to engage in this topic, so she shook her head to feign indifference. “Not really. I think our relationship is pretty normal.”

“Our relationship has always been normal, but I meant our interaction isn’t,” Damian clarified.

Chapter 750 1

Chapter 750 2

Chapter 750 3


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