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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 751

Since Damian started working, his demeanor had changed drastically, and Liam’s mockery felt particularly nerve-wracking to Alice.

“Alright, you said you’d take me somewhere fun. Chop chop.” Alice tugged at Liam’s shirt, feeling quite anxious.

Liam extended his hand gently, brushing her head. “Sure, don’t worry. I’ll take you there now.”

Grateful, Alice nodded.

On the side, Damian observed their interaction, his gaze growing colder. “She’s not going.”

“Why can’t she go? Damian, why do you interfere so much?” Liam rolled his eyes, his tone dripping with disdain. “Ally has grown up. She can go wherever she wants. It’s her freedom. Why meddle?”

Damian didn’t respond and just kept his gaze on Alice calmly.

After a while, Alice gradually released her grip on Liam’s shirt.

“I think it’s getting late now, so I’ll go back to sleep.” Alice forced a smile and left.

Nobody brought up that night’s incident. However, after experiencing it, Alice became even more anxious about spending time alone with Damian. She felt more uneasy and began avoiding such situations even more.

The school’s opening ceremony came as scheduled. Seeing the figure seated on the platform not far away, Alice inexplicably felt nervous.

When it was her turn to perform, she sat at the piano, trying to calm her nerves. Beautiful music flowed from her fingertips as the room fell silent.

Strangely, although there were no issues with the piano during the earlier part of her performance, as she played, a sudden dissonance rang out. She realized the piano was malfunctioning!

Someone must have been familiar with the piece she was about to play and knew that this specific key wasn’t often used. Hence, they tampered with it.

The sudden problem created chaos in the audience.

Frida’s sharp voice pierced through from the front row. “Oh my, who played the piano so forcefully that even the piano broke? Do you know how expensive this piano is?”

Laughter erupted from a corner.

Who would have the strength to break a piano? Her comment was amusing.

Alice, already nervous, now felt even more tense.

Given the situation, it seemed unlikely for her to finish her piece.

She stood up, ready to leave the stage, when a call came from the corner.

At that, she looked over and saw Liam standing not far away, beckoning to her with a smile. Beside him was a piano she was all too familiar with.

Liam signaled a few helpers, and they brought the piano up onto the stage while removing the faulty one.

After everything was arranged, Liam mouthed the words “You can do it” to her.

Alice felt a renewed sense of confidence. She sat before the familiar piano, feeling more at ease than usual.

Fully immersed this time, she imagined herself sitting by the window of the piano shop, facing a bustling scene outside. Her music flowed more melodiously.

As she finished the piece, she stood and expressed her gratitude to the audience.


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