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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 102

  1. Frank in Kara’s Room

Kara’s crying suddenly subsided. After drying her face with the blanket, she sat up. “What’s wrong, Frank?”

The man could see traces of tears on her red cheeks. He also caught the vibration in her voice. However, as if he didn’t know anything, he stepped in and closed the door.

“Earlier… you asked about the reason I love you,” Frank walked with his head bowed. When he arrived at the bedside, he looked up and smiled. “Do you know why?”

Kara blinked stiffly. A few seconds ago, she was still thinking about Finnic. Now, her brain was dominated by the boss. The transition was too fast for her to anticipate. “Why?”

With a minimal curve of his lips, Frank sat on the edge of the bed. “To be honest, I’m confused too. You remember? The first time you came to Savior, we were like cats and dogs. I always feel annoyed by you.. You always have a way to offend and raise my blood.”

While reminiscing, Kara smiled too. “I did plan to irritate you, can fire me immediately.”

“I think that’s the reason. You are the first woman who dares to

attack my weakness. You made me curious, and slowly, I rea You’re the mess I’ve been looking for.”

Kara’s eyebrows knitted together. “The mess?”

Frank looked at her gently. “My life is always neat, Kara. I only focu on achievement, evaluation, and self-development. There’s no time to take care of anything else. But since you came ….”

He took the secretary’s hand. “My life has turned chaotic. It doesn’t


“Are you insulting me?” Kara’s eyes narrowed..

“No,” Frank shook his head, half laughing. “I actually appreciate you. With that chaos and mess, you made me realize. I’m tired of shaping my destiny as my father’s perfect replacement. You are the strength for me to change.”

Kara’s eyes moved here and there, looking for an explanation. “You fell in love with me because I was the source of chaos in your life?”

“That’s hard to believe?”

“That’s impossible to believe,” Kara corrected firmly.

Slowly, Frank’s smile faded. A moment later, he looked at her with a resigned look. “But that’s the reality.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Kara nodded lightly. “I am a speck of blemish on your canvas. I remember.”

“Correction. You are the colors of my canvas. Do you know the function of colors? They give beauty to the world, just as you give meaning to every breath I take.”

Instead of being touched, Kara snorted. “You said love is not selfish. We’ll put our lover’s happiness above our own. But you want me to make your life less boring. If that’s the reason you like me, is that true


The man’s lips were pursed. The statement he had previously. composed was now crumpled.

“With you, I don’t need to be selfish. I don’t need to put on a mask or maintain my prestige, because you already know all my weaknesses. You are the right place for me to rest, Kara, to be myself without shame. In front of you, I feel like I don’t need to try. I like how your make me accept myself, as the way I am.”


Pursing her lips, Kara angled her gaze to the top corner. “See? Your love is selfish. You only need me for your own good.”

Frank was at a loss for words. He didn’t know how to convince Kara


“Yes, wanting you is a form of selfishness. But that way, your interests are above my interests, and your happiness becomes my happiness. Would it be selfish if I thought of you as special?”

Without looking away, Frank patted the hand that was still in his grasp. “When someone makes me happy, I want to make her happier. Is that wrong?”

Sensing the man’s sincerity, Kara swallowed hard. In silence, she pondered how easily life could turn things around.

In the past, Finnic loved her very much, while Frank hated her to the bone. But now, their roles had been swapped?


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