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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 101

  1. What Makes You Happy

Silence engulfed her. There was only the faint sound of the engine. A moment later, Frank suddenly laughed. “Kids, are you satisfied? Can we go back now?”

“Are we low on fuel?” Louis said, dashing Kara’s hopes of getting an


“Yeah, but don’t be sad. We can take the helicopter again later.”

“Can I take the front seat when we come back here?” Emily poked the glass wall with her tiny finger.

Before Frank could answer, Louis sneered. “Aren’t you afraid of sitting here? The view is clearer. You’ll feel like your feet are far above the ground.”

Emily’s cheeks puffed out. “Mister Kind is with us. Why should I be afraid?”

Frank smiled a little bigger when he heard that. In his heart, he hoped Kara thought so too.


“How’s it going, Kids? Are you happy today?” Frank asked as he closed the book in his hand.

The toddlers nodded readily. They had already worn pajamas and listened to two fairy tales, but their eyes were still shining bright.

“Yeah, we’ve had picnics, built sand castles, and even … toured by helicopter!”

“We also ate at fancy restaurants and visited the Savior Science and Technology Museum. It was really cool there! When I grow up, I will

“Me too!”



Seeing the twins’ enthusiasm, Frank chuckled. “Then, now you have to sleep. Get enough rest so that your brain can develop properly.”

“Ready, Captain!”

Louis and Emily hugged the blanket tighter. Frank kissed their foreheads. Gently, he took turns stroking the twins’ hair. Not long after yawning, the toddlers fell asleep.

“Sweet dreams, Kids,” he whispered thinly.

After stroking Louis’ cheek, Frank lifted Emily along with her fur

blanket and Yemon. However, when he turned around, he blinked.

Kara was standing in the doorway, leaning back with her arms folded.

Frank shook his head as if asking “what’s wrong”.

Kara replied with a shake of her head, indicating “nothing” or maybe later”. Only after Frank finished moving Emily and closed the door of her room did she whisper, “My mother has found a new apartment. The place is safe, very nice, and the price is affordable.”

The man nodded while pursing his lips. “That’s good.”

“Is that you?”

Frank raised an eyebrow. “Me?”

Kara put on a smile. “The price we got was too cheap for such a comfortable place. That is only possible if there is a subsidy f good people.”

Shoving both hands in his pockets, Frank shrugged. “Well, let’s jus pray that the good person will get his reward later.”

“Besides,” Kara took a deep breath and released it slowly, “someone



Canca up our apartment, men my mess any more. Danayou items have also been replaced with new ones.”

Frank still wore an innocent look. “That person is very nice. You’re lucky, Kara.”

“Yes, very lucky,” she sighed, very deeply. “I should somehow thank that kind person. What do you think I should do?”

Smiling, Frank shuffled and touched Kara by the waist. “I think it’s easy. You just have to keep smiling and remember him.”

Kara spontaneously leaned backwards. Her hand pressed on the shoulder which was about to kill the distance. “Okay. I will try. But

how can I remember him if I don’t know who he is?”

Frank twitched an eyebrow. His words had just backfired like a


In silence, he looked deeper into those copper eyes. After a few

blinks, he whispered, “So, what was your answer to my question earlier? How to make you happy?”

Kara’s eyes suddenly narrowed, and so did her smile. “As long as Louis and Emily are happy, I’m happy.”

“Does becoming a mother mean sacrificing your personal happiness? Come on, Kara. There must be something you really like, something that makes you forget all the complicated things in the world.”

Kara stared at Frank more intently. No sound came from her lips. Her brain was too busy looking for answers. A moment later, there was

no more smile on her face.

“It seems … I don’t know myself. Since that night, since the world stopped being on my side, I’ve been too busy thinking about how to survive. What do I like? What can make me smile? It all feels different


“So,” Kara pursed her lips and nodded, “yes, Louis and Emily are the source of my happiness now.”


Frank smiled sadly. Kara’s misery made his heart ache. “Do you s hate me?”

“Is it important?” The woman raised an eyebrow.

Frank snorted slightly. “We can never hate someone we love, no hmatter how big a mistake they make. Yes, we might be angry and disappointed at first. But in the end, we will still open the door to forgiveness.”


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