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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 107

  1. Why Did You Leave Mommy?

“He left you, Kara. He left you!” Susan emphasized.

Kara looked up, trying to gather strength. As soon as her head straightened again, she took her mother’s hand, trying to convey the sincerity.

“But now he’s back, Mom,” she said softly. “He also regrets it. Remember what he has done for us lately. We can still survive

because of his company. We can still be with the twins also because of his help. He was the one who saved the twins from being


Kara shook Susan’s arm, trying to revive her mother’s kindness. However, the middle-aged woman looked away.

“And Mom, remember how happy Louis and Emily were when they played with him? When have you ever seen them laugh so heartily? When have you ever seen them sleep so soundly?”

Susan raised her hand to her ears. She didn’t want to hear more. In her eyes, Kara had been blinded either by love or despair. “If you want me to talk to him, get out now.”

“But, Mom….”

“Get out.” Susan glanced at the door. Knowing that the guards were still there, she shouted, “Philip or whoever, please drag my daughter. I have to speak privately with your master.”

Without wasting any time, two bodyguards appeared. They grabbed Kara, who was still trying to change her mother. She didn’t realize that her attitude was actually adding heat to the atmosphere.

“Is that the reason you dare approach me?” Susan asked, still with her


a confusion,

dryly. “What did you do to my daughter that she no longer sees your mistakes? You lied to her? Create the illusion as if she is the woman you love most?”

Frank shook his head quickly. “No, I didn’t lie to anyone. I do love


Suddenly, the sound of a slap shook the air.

“Impossible! If it was true you had love in your heart, you wouldn’t have the heart to leave an innocent girl behind.”

Frank could not feel the pain on his cheek anymore. The pain in his heart was much crueler. Not knowing how to handle it anymore, he finally dropped to his knees. His head bowed and his tears fell.

“Please forgive me. I’m really sorry for what I did. I used to be very selfish and stupid. I only thought about my own safety, without

considering the impact on other people.”

Frank’s statement came from the depths of his heart, but Susan refused to believe it. Instead, she looked away and took a deep breath.

“There’s no point in apologizing. My daughter and grandchildrer lives will not improve because of your forgiveness.”

Squeezing his lungs with hope, Frank looked up. “Please giv chance, Madam. I swear I will never hurt your daughter again always protect and complete her happiness. I will also give the to Emily and Louis.”

Crossing her arms, Susan laughed lightly, shaking her head. “Who believe you?”

“Please, Madam…. Just this once. I will make sure that what I say not just words. I seriously want to fix everything.”

Frank looked up at Susan from beneath his deep furrowed brows,


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However, instead of replying, the middle-aged woman stepped away and muttered, “If you could come to your senses, you wouldn’t have waited this long to kneel.”

With withered eyes, Frank watched Susan enter the bedroom. Once the door was closed, no more sound could be heard. The woman

completely ignored him.

Frank’s heart had never been so heavy. Still kneeling, he slammed his fist on the floor. His shoulders had never dropped that much.

‘Is this my punishment? I threw away Kara, now I’m thrown away by


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