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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 108

  1. I’m Too Tired

Kara still faced the door. Her vision was blurry. The tears couldn’t

stop flowing.

‘What will Frank do? Can he handle all this chaos?’

Sighing in resignation, Kara turned around, about to check on the

twins. However, before she had time to move from her position, the door to Susan’s room opened.

“Mom?” Kara swallowed hard.

Through a movement of her head, Susan signaled her to come in. Kara complied.

“You cried for that jerk?” Susan asked as she walked towards the chair. When she turned around, she continued, “Why?”

Kara tried to catch her breath. Her head moved to match the rhythms.

“I don’t know, Mom. The thought just came to me, just like this feeling. I do not understand too.”

“Come to your senses, Kara. That man has ruined your life. He’s already left you. You still dare to pin your hopes on him?”

Kara bit her lip. She didn’t know what the right answer was. When she saw her mother sigh in disappointment, she finally chose honesty.

“Mom, you once said that I don’t have to always be tough? If I want to cry, just cry. Maybe, I’m too tired, Mom.”

A drop of sadness melted again on Kara’s cheek. Susan quickly looked away. She couldn’t think straight every time she saw her daughter’s pain.

“For more than four years, I carried everything myself. Yes, you


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offending her mother.


“But I secretly hope that our lives can be normal again. I want us to be able to laugh again without burden, without having to think about.

bills, without having to hide loneliness. I hope the twins can live comfortably like other children, who have a mother and father, not a mother who has to steal time to play with them.”

Susan didn’t answer. Her lips trembled with emotion.

“Mom, remember how our lives changed when Dad died? You’re the

same as me now, while I was the same as the children. But at that time, I was already old enough, while Louis and Emily… they never felt a father’s love in the first place.”

Kara’s breath hitched. She almost choked. While pounding her chest to make the urge go away, she sighed.

“Because of that, how can I not melt? Frank reached out when I was about to give up. Seeing the children laughing happily, having fun with him, all the wounds he made seemed to disappear. If only you could see how bright the twin’s smiles were when we picnicked on the beach and took helicopter rides around town. Louis and Emily were very happy.”

Suddenly, Kara’s lips curved sadly. Her eyes started to wander.

“Since there, I started to imagine. In just one day, the children were that happy, what if they could continue to be with Frank? The father they have been waiting for has finally come.”

Susan was silently stunned to see Kara. She couldn’t remember the last time she heard her voice like that. She also couldn’t remember

the last time she saw her daughter harbor such deep hope.

“Because of that,” Kara brought her gaze back to Susan, “can you forgive him? He’s not as bad as we think, Mom. Please, give him a



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“Where is your common sense? He already has a fiancée, and they are getting married soon. I never raised you to ruin people’s relationships.”

Kara shook her head quickly. She wanted to defend herself, but didn’t have a good reason. As a result, her hopes immediately evaporated. and her head bowed again to bear the burden.

“Then, should I hand over the twins? Their future is more secure if

they’re with their father.”

Susan’s eyes suddenly widened. She never thought that those words. would come out of Kara’s mouth. “Are you crazy? You want to give up your children to a man who once neglected them?”

“Then what should I do?” Kara asked hoarsely. Her voice was almost lost. “What should I do?”

Clutching her head, she sat on the side of the bed. Her energy had been drained a lot. While trying to catch her breath, she closed her eyes tightly.


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