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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 12

  1. Guinea Pig

You think I’m a child?” Frank inquired sarecastically. He was no longer. pretending. The lunch boxes Kara chocs didid offend him. They

minded him of the boy who made him rational last night.

Ssom sin t haven’t had time to buy a specialduccit box for you. So, I wasiorced to.. bonow them from my neignboo.”

Maciding gunner discussion about the cute illustration, Kara rushed to akes one pox. Just then, her finger touched the docellin an instant, hee moze and her eyes widened.

Fosshtomy.could I forget? What if this Pervened Denton sees the wemaames?

wallowinghard Kara tried to break the tension. She coconed the box nd snoweddine comments 10 the CCC. Very carefully, ss01eedto pick ff the teos wwht ber nail.

Why are you a carnching the box?”

ara’s nean ornooctiumped out of her chest. With high arch

yebrows shassoook per read.


just a little a pervous. I’ve never cooked anything for sontes is great as you. docubtwheiner this food is worth serving or whethe

is still not luxurious abouan.

frank stared at Kara for

noment. kara did look nervous. Frank hought it was normal for a woman act like that in front of him. Hiss

harm was hard to resist..

It’s good that you’re aware about the muttered as he took off his įlasses. With a “cool” style/heepotteddonhe table. “Put the boxes here!”


Frank actually asked Kara to prepare breakfast for keeping her busy. However, those menus were never served at Harper’s residence since they were considered less luxurious. He couldn’t possibly throw those “rare and precious foods” to homeless people on the street. He even wasn’t willing to give it to Jeremy.

Without paying attention to Kara’s shaking hands, Frank turned to the pile of papers on the table. “This is a summary of your duties?”

Frank flipped through the papers. After skimming, he threw them onto the pile of documents to be destroyed.

“Good. Continue!”


flinched. Her tension suddenly disappeared. How could the CEO check the results of her hard work in just an instant?

“Wait a minute. Why did you throw it there, Sir? Shouldn’t those emails be followed up? Several parties offered potential cooperation for the company’s development.”

Seeing Kara’s round eyes, Frank thought of Emily again. Before suspicion affected his common sense, he looked away as possible.

“All important emails have been followed up,” he said casually.

Kara became even more confused. “Then why did you ask me to ssummarize it?”

“To test your abilities. I can’t just trust new employees.” Frank shrugged. His hands were shoved in his pockets.

Kara released her frustration into the air. She intended to maintain hher attitude in front of her boss. However, her patience also had litimits.

“work here as your secretary, Mr. Harper, not your intern. I also want

company, not

beredd umya mu umu. Do you

realize that this task you gave me is a waste? I don’t want to be paid for nothing and become a burden on the company.”


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