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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 13

  1. Accident

After a few moments, Kara was forced to sit in the front passenger seat by Frank. She was wearing strange clothes like the astronaut. A helmet was placed on her head.

“Sir, are you sure about this decision? They have prepared a racer. Why do you risk your safety?”

“You doubt the capabilities of Savior Automotive’s researchers?”

Kara blinked uncertainly. She didn’t dare nod.

“Or perhaps you regret replacing Jeremy today?” 1

“No. Absolutely not,” Kara replied even though her heart was

struggling to send signals to get out of the car.

Seeing the secretary’s obedience, Frank Harper smiled proudly. Good. Now put on your seat belt!”

After lowering Kara’s visor, he closed the door with a bang. Hver, instead of getting into the driver’s seat, he stepped back to t

researcher’s side.

“Please begin.”

Everyone was wide-eyed. They looked at the girl who was still waiting in the car. The only thing they could do was just praying for her life.

“Why is that Perverted Demon taking so long?” Kara muttered as she loosened the collar of her thick shirt. She started to get hot even though the car cooling system had been set to the lowest


A moment later, Kara widened her eyes. She felt the car started to move. As she stared at the empty driver’s seat, she came to her


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“This is an autopilot car?!”

Kara’s face became bloodless. She wanted to jump out, but the car was already speeding up. Before she had time to control her panic, an obstacle with a human image appeared. The car dodged it swiftly, but the jolt made Kara scream. “Help! I still want to live!” She held on as tightly as she could.

Kara’s voice couldn’t be heard from outside, but her fear was clearly recorded by the camera on the dashboard. The faster the car went, the clearer Kara expressed her feelings.

“My soul won’t rest in peace if I die now!”

Frank laughed happily monitoring Kara on the tablet. Every time a new obstacle appeared, her life seemed almost to be torn from her body. It was very satisfying entertainment for him.

Grinning, he gave the next order. “Perform an accident simulation!”

The researcher eyes couldn’t be wider anymore. “Are you sure. Sir?”

“Sure,” Frank answered as lightly as his laughter.

The researcher wanted to refuse. However, he realized that he

power. With his eyes closed, he pressed the danger button on the remote control in his hand.

A bar suddenly appeared blocking the way. There was only a little room left on the right side for the car to get through. Looking at the obstacle, all the veins in Kara’s body tensed. She could no longer breathe.

“No, I don’t want to die…!”

The car suddenly slowed down and swerved to the narrow space available. Parts of its side body creaked, rubbing against the safety


stopped, she just stayed there with a blank look. Her consciousness was lost. She didn’t know which corner it was thrown into.

“Bravo! Bravo!” Frank clapped his hands proudly.

The researcher suddenly forgot the tension and smiled brightly. He thought the CEO was happy with the success of the prototype. In fact, the man wearing sunglasses was satisfied seeing his secretary


“Congratulations, Kara Martin. You have completed this trial safely,” Frank said after opening the door.

Instead of answering, Kara just blinked. She still hadn’t regained consciousness. Even after turning her head and seeing Frank’s triumphant smile, she only let out a faint sigh.

“Come out now! Our time is limited. I still have to meet clients, while you have to make a report about your experience in taking part in this


With stiff movements, Kara got out of the car. A woman from the development team helped her. However, with her shaking knees, k still had difficulty finding her balance. She staggered forward and Frank in the stomach with her helmet.



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