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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 132

Chapter 132 Frank Harper Is Missing
"Why not? He landed on his face. Tsk, I hope he can be recognized when his body is found.”

"No ...!" Kara screamed, shedding tears. "You liar! There's no way Frank is dead. He's a strong man! He can definitely survive!”

With nervous furrowed brows, Kara grabbed the nearest rescue team member. “Sir, please ... search again. He must still be around here.”

“Okay, Miss. Calm down. We will continue to search. We have also contacted the coast. Several helicopters have been sent here."

Suddenly, the fierce man laughed again. "That’s useless. He won't survive. I saw it with my own eyes. His body was swallowed by the ocean. Your lover is gone.”

"Impossible! Frank will definitely be back. He promised … he promised ….” Kara sobbed even more. Her chest grew tighter. Before she could finish the sentence, her body went limp and fell backwards.

“Miss Martin ...!”

While Sophia screamed, Finnic swiftly caught her. Without the slightest hesitation, he carried Kara to the medical room. People who watched competed to express their pity.

"It's really unfortunate. She just accepted a proposal, but her lover is now lost at sea.”

“Will there be a miracle that can save Frank Harper? He is still young and has a brilliant career. It would be a shame if he was just a name in history.”

In just a few minutes, the news spread on social media and even TV broadcasts. Frank Harper's disappearance shocked the world. Savior employees were afraid about the fate of the company; his business partners were anxious because there were still projects that had not been completed; and Sean was confused about how to convey the news to Rowan.

Seeing the assistant's unusual movements, the old man raised an eyebrow. “What's wrong, Sean? Has there been a report from your friend? He just got out of the cell. His hands must be itchy since he hasn't shed blood for a long time. So, that woman is dead, right?” Rowan asked in a relaxed tone.

Sean took a faint breath. "Sorry, Sir. There’s a mistake."

The old man's expression instantly darkened. "What do you mean? She is still alive?”

The stiffness in Sean's neck grew worse. “It seems ... Young Master was trying to protect her when the attack occurred. They both ... fell overboard.”

Rowan hit the table. He no longer sat in his chair. "They both? Who? Speak clearly!” His eyes began to streak red and shake violently.

Sean clenched his jaw. “Young Master and—”

"What?" Rowan's screech echoed. In an instant, all his nerves tensed and his breath became shallow. Even so, he still tried to talk. "Where is he? Where is my grandson now?”

“He hasn't been found yet, Sir. Rescue teams are still searching.”

The old man suddenly frowned. His hand was pressed over his cramped heart. His oxygen levels dropped drastically. Within moments, he was no longer able to stand.

"Sir ...." Sean swiftly prevented Rowan's head from hitting the chair or table. Like it or not, he executed emergency procedures.

Meanwhile, in another place, Emily's cries broke everyone's hearts. Susan had been trying to calm her for several minutes, but her wailing only got louder.

“Come on, Emily. Stop crying! I have to think.” Louis covered his ears with one hand, even though he knew it was useless. “Jeremy, has there been any news from there?"

The assistant shook his head languidly. “Not yet, Young Master.”

Louis' cheeks puffed up. His brows furrowed. "Then, let's catch up! We have to accompany Mommy. Mommy must be scared."

Jeremy didn't answer. He was pensive, considering the suggestion offered by the toddler.


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